CHART announces the finalists of the architectural competition for young architects


CHART unveils the five finalists that have been chosen to realise their temporary pavilions in Charlottenborg’s courtyards, held at the end of August 2019. The finalists have been selected by an international jury from 54 proposals submitted by budding creatives, makers and architects from across the Nordic region.

Based on this year’s theme materiality, each of the five finalists presents an innovative and artistic approach to how architecture, through rethinking materials and craft, can pave the way for a more sustainable future. The five projects can be experienced in the courtyards at Charlottenborg during CHART, 30 August – 1 September, where they will house CHART’s bars and restaurants. Source by CHART and images Courtesy of Sutton.


Based on an ordinary everyday object, IKEA’s Sultan mattress, the architects Anne Bea Høgh Mikkelsen, Katrine Kretzschmar Nielsen, Klara Lyshøj and Josefine Østergaard Kallehave have designed a pavilion that addresses mindless consumerism. By reusing each part of several Sultan mattresses (wood, springs, foam and fabric), the quartet transforms a flat disregarded object into a living space.


The architect duo Mathias Bank Stigsen and Andreas Körner’s pavilion rethinks the relationship between building and viewer. Where conventional building materials rarely ask you to touch them, SNUG IN A BUG AS A RUG, made from a latex- coated polymer fabric is an experiential and sensorial design, which invites visitors to hug its façade and nestle into the pavilion’s enclosures – providing a much-needed break from the festivities at CHART.


The architects Cristina Román Díaz and Frederik Bo Bojesen’s pavilion is an ode to a mineral of enormous biological and cultural importance: salt. Taking inspiration from both salt’s taste and cultural significance, the duo considers the transitory and fragile qualities of this mineral’s structural makeup. The result, a sculptural construction made of wood, fishnets, salt crystals and clear polycarbonate which frames salt in a new context.


At a distance, the construction looks like a stone construction, but the black building blocks, which comprise ROCK PAPER CNC are in fact made from recycled paper produced by hand, in CNC cut moulds. This pavilion by visual artist Oskar Koliander, and architects Diana Smiljkovic and Gustav Kjær Vad Nielsen, utilise waste as raw material and rethinks how it can be revitalised through traditional craftsmanship and new digital methods.


A cell is both a biological building block and a minute space in itself. This dual consideration is the point of departure for architects Josefine Rita Vain Hansen and Marie Louise Thorning’s pavilion, where a number of air-filled latex cells form the building blocks in a light, spacious structure that imitates a living organism.

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