Naturkraft by Thøgersen&Stouby and SLA


Denmark’s new exploratorium and nature arena NATURKRAFT opened on June 12 in Ringkøbing, Denmark. In NATURKRAFT you will experience the physical and aesthetic powers of nature, and how these will shape the sustainable cities and communities of the future. The 50-hectare exploratorium and nature arena in the Danish city Ringkøbing shows the fundamental importance of nature for humans, as well as the mutual interaction and dependence between us and nature.

Experience and be inspired by the powers of nature at the west coast
Naturkraft consists of three main elements that are inextricably linked – and where experience and architecture are one and the same: A 600 meter ring wall with 50 hectares of surrounding land; an inner nature- and adventure park with local biotopes and playful installations; as well as an integrated main building of 5500 square meters with modern dissemination about the powers of nature.

The three-part is used in the playful approach to the dissemination of knowledge to create three zones focusing on observation, participation and understanding respectively. Naturkraft is respectfully integrated into the surroundings, but also appears as a scenic icon in the flat, surrounding landscape.

From the 12 meter high ring wall you can enjoy the view of Ringkøbing Fjord, experience the prevailing western wind on your own body and observe the characteristic flat landscape of the area, which the powers of nature have formed. At the highest point of the ring wall, the wall is replaced by a transparent building of 5500 square meters. The facade is made of the lightweight material ETFE, which gives the interior of the building a tent-like feel.

There are numerous dissemination installations both outside and inside. In the inner nature arena visitors will experience characteristic local biotopes and installations that support the development of sensuous experiences. These experiences are used as the foundation for more abstract reflections on the role of humans in nature, which is elaborated further in the main building’s exhibition.

A multiverse of new nature
The heart of Naturkraft is the new nature of a total 5 hectares. The nature arena encourages and challenges visitors to 1: 1 experiences on the powers of nature through physical play, enlightening learning activities and intuitive understanding of the interaction between humans and nature.

The new nature in Naturkraft is a 17 kilometer long ‘cross-section’ of the existing nature from west to east through western Jutland of Denmark. Based on the cross-section, eight specially designed nature typologies such as the Sand Dune, the Heathland, the Marsh and the Carbon Forest have been combined into a new form of human-made ecosystem.

Model for the nature-based city and society of the future
Nature as the foundation for life on earth and quality of life is a guiding element for the experience and understanding of Naturkraft. Thus, SLA’s nature design focuses both on the physical phenomena of nature and on its emotional and cognitive significance for humans. Source by Thøgersen&Stouby and SLA.

  • Location: Ringkøbing, Denmark
  • Lead Design Architect on building, arena and experiences: Thøgersen&Stouby
  • New nature: SLA
  • Architect: Hune & Elkjær
  • Engineers: NIRAS, Fuldendt
  • Contractor: Hansen & Larsen
  • Client: Naturkraft Foundation
  • Construction budget: 300 millioner Danish kroner
  • Area: 50 hectare
  • Opens: 12 June 2020
  • Photographs: Thøgersen&Stouby, Torben Petersen, Naturkraft, Courtesy of SLA

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