The Garden City of the Crescent Moon by Benoit Patterlini

Garden City

“The Garden City of the Crescent Moon” is located in the heart of the Bois de Vincennes, on Lac des Minimes. We kept the natural arc of the lake, as well as the different islands. Here, we have addressed this topic through 2 main themes revealing this request for change:

When we talk about proximity, we include the notion of urban agriculture. First of all, urban agriculture allows us to produce food within the city. Whether it is yards, roofs or even public spaces, they can be used to produce basic commodities such as corn, beans as well as herbs and spices etc. and make cattle breeding directly in town, such as dairy production activities. (Campaign Activity). Urban agriculture has several more or less noticeable advantages.

Economic benefits: Urban agriculture makes it possible to create local shops as well as income supplements (and food supply) for the family. It also makes it possible to reduce the costs of waste recovery but especially those of transport. Ecological benefits: Urban agriculture reduces air pollution, CO2 and carbon emissions. It improves soil quality and reduces transport and packaging.

Some organic waste is recycled. Urban agriculture also makes it possible to raise public awareness of the environment. Benefits: It facilitates intergenerational and intercultural exchanges. Now it can be a hobby. It makes it possible to grow food of good quality more accessible by reducing their cost. It allows cohesion and a spirit of community.

The idea of instantaneity is purely related to being able to enjoy urban facilities. Beyond enjoying it, the goal is to rediscover the notion of time, urban activities are linked to time. We have therefore integrated housing, office, sports and cultural facilities, which makes the well-being of a city, where Paris is in need today.

Integrating this type of space makes it possible to pace the city and give real meaning to the associated flow. In terms of pure architectural intent we have imagined landscape buildings. The terrace roofs become the fifth facade of the building, which will be embellished with a real landscape rhythmic of water point and houses such as urban greenhouses.

This urban silhouette takes the form of canyons that naturally air the city, opening up visual perspectives. The upside of this creates environment is to reduce time loss and promote activities while reducing the stress of travel.

We know the story, we don’t deny it, or we don’t destroy it either, we try to improve the urban by transforming it, adapting it to our new way of living the city. In conclusion, this urban project will take place outside the old city, it will take birth in the heart of the forest, itself created by man for man. Source and images Courtesy of Benoit Patterlini.

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