TRANSFER Architecture Video Award 2021

TRANSFER Architecture Video Award

The Award is global in scope and open to filmmakers, architects, artists, photographers or any individual or group whose video work is related with the previously mentioned fields. With the TRANSFER Architecture Video Award, we aim to highlight the contributions that best represent new means of knowledge and analysis of architecture using video as a support.

The main criteria are the short film’s contribution to exploring innovative ways of analysing and experiencing architecture, city and landscape, the relevance of the topic and its social impact, and a high standard of production. By connecting contemporary ideas and practices, TRANSFER aims to broaden the global culture of architecture and to become a reference in the generation of leading architectural knowledge. Source and image Courtesy of TRANSFER Global Architecture Platform.

Call for submissions: 1 April 2021
Submission deadline: 1 July 2021
Announcement of the finalist videos: October 2021
Award ceremony: November 2021

Entries online to:
Submission documents: original short film Full HD 1920x1080px, mp4, short film title and description, author’s contact details.
Each participant maximum: two videos
Submission fee: 50 €

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