Austrian pavilion EXPO Dubai by querkraft architects

EXPO Dubai

The austrian pavilion offers the necessary space to enter into dialogue with the essential questions for a common and better future. The viennese coffee house, which stands for interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange, serves as a metaphor.

The austrian pavilion poses one of the most important questions about the future and gives a possible answer: careful and respectful use of our earthly resources. A calm and sensual space is created through a network of 38 intersecting cones. The dialogue between local building traditions and intelligent austrian climate engineering is seen as an opportunity.

It enables conventional air conditioning technology to be largely avoided, saving three quarters of the energy needed for a comparable building, and thus making a big contribution to the energy debate. Through the careful use of local building materials, prefabrication and subsequent reuse of the pavilion, a sustainable attitude towards our throwaway society is demonstrated.

The haptic structure of the clay plaster on the inside conveys natural comfort. The cone shapes easily develop an aesthetic between light and shadow that invites the visitor to linger and explore, contradicting the hectic environment of an expo. Source by querkraft architects.

  • Location: Dubai, UAE
  • Architect: querkraft architects
  • Principal: Jakob Dunkl, Gerd Erhartt and Peter Sapp
  • Year: 2020
  • Images: Courtesy of querkraft architects

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