5YN3RGY Media Harbour by UNStudio


The 5YN3RGY Media Harbour in Dusseldorf is designed as a sustainable and healthy building that integrates and responds to both the environment and its urban context. The goal of the design is to define a new anchor point and to optimise the location.

In order to do this, the building makes full use of the location to create an attractive urban space for its users and neighbours alike. UNStudio’s responsive architectural approach is based on the creation of an integral biosphere that improves both the inner and outer air quality, thereby creating a symbiotic relationship between inside and outside.

The new biosphere is located in a natural air corridor which serves fresh air to Dusseldorf and as such, not only improves air quality in the building, but also purifies and provides cleaner air to the surrounding developments. This results in a healthy, attractive and safe urban outdoor space brought about by integrated biophilic properties.

The mass of the building was determined by means of a detailed analysis of the intrinsic environmental parameters on the site. This analysis made it possible to create an optimised, architectural and urban solution that supports the sustainable goals of the project. It is common knowledge that daylight and fresh air are essential to healthy working environments.

The atrium of the 5YN3RGY building is therefore cut out of the overall mass in order to channel daylight and fresh air deep into each of the office levels. This atrium forms the heart of the building and, like the opening and closing mechanism of a camera lens, is designed in such a way as to draw daylight deep into the interior, while simultaneously opening up views to the sky.

Natural light and ventilation are further optimised by way of high interior spaces. The central hub houses double-height areas that serve as light shelves and reflect light deep into the lower floors, while intelligent ventilation systems are used to ensure optimal air quality in the atrium and throughout the building.

Visual relationships are also created to connect public and private spaces and establish a social and dynamic work environment. The volumetric strategy of the building also informs the internal organisation, which employs spiral circulation loops. These organising geometries that shape the dynamic interior also extend outwards to form patios, balconies, and gardens.

These green connections, in turn, draw nature inwards and create a physical and visual connection to the adjacent biosphere and the roof garden. Together, this network of gardens establishes a unique address for a creative workplace in Düsseldorf. Source by UNStudio.

  • Location: Dusseldorf Media Harbour, Germany
  • Architect: UNStudio
  • Project Team: Ben van Berkel with Arjan Dingsté and Marc Hoppermann, Ariane Stracke, Clare Porter, Bruno Peris, Ergin Birinci, Réka Simó, Albert Gnodde, Enes Sever, Vladislava Parfjonova, Rebaz Ali, Laura Lopez Iglesias, Kunshi (Jeff) Liu, Patrik Noomé, Tugay Tombas
  • Project Manager: IQ Real Estate
  • Landscape Architect: Felixx
  • Structure: Bollinger & Grohmann
  • MEP: HTW Ingenieure
  • Energy & Sustainability: IPJ Ingenieurbüro P. Jung
  • Building Physics: Peutz
  • Façade Engineering: Drees & Sommer
  • Fire Life Safety: Görtzen Ingenieure
  • Lighting: AGLicht
  • Traffic: Lindschulte
  • Ground works: IEG Philipsen
  • Client: CODIC – MIZAL Development GmbH
  • Building surface: ca. 33.500 m2
  • Building site: ca. 10.500 m2
  • Design Development: 2021
  • Images: Engram, Courtesy of UNStudio