Stefano Boeri presents the new book “Green Obsession”

Green Obsession

“Green Obsession” is indeed the title of the book (now available on Amazon and on the publisher’ website, Actar) and it narrates the long path his practice Stefano Boeri Architetti followed in the last twenty years, aiming at the redefinition of the relationship between City and Nature.

For more than 20 years the architect Stefano Boeri has been engaged in the re-definition of the practice of architecture and urbanism. “Green Obsession” aims to unveil the processes and the complexity involved in the search for a new kind of urbanism, while raising questions and re-discussing the relationship between the human species and Nature in order to create a portrait of our era.

An essay with contributions from Jane Goodall, Paul Hawken, Mitchell Silver, David Miller, Davi Kopenawa Yanomami and many other proponents who have contributed to Stefano Boeri Architetti’s perspective on protecting the world and its biodiversity.

The graphic apparatus includes images by the most important photographers such as Edward Burtynsky, Adrien Dubost, Clemence Elman, Elisa Galluzzo, Stefano Graziani, Diana Lelonek, Sebastian Mejia, Victor Moriyama, Jon Spyrou, Lorenzo Zandri. Source and images Courtesy of Stefano Boeri.