Nature structure series by MONOMO

Nature structure

Nature meditation Structures
For this series I was inspired by envisioning a future where structures like this one act symbiotically with its environment, breathing architectural systems that resemble nature. Where the relationship between human society and natural environments become one single entity.

This was one of the first concepts I started working on when I first started engaging with CLIP tools, I started thinking of structures that would grow organically like trees from the ground that created canopies with tessellated surfaces for walkways and nature havens. Future technologies will allow us to have more freedom to design systems like this.

Harmony between our built architecture and the natural environment is necessary for a better future, where we contribute to the evolution of nature and Its ecosystems , while we receive all the benefits that it has been providing us through all of our civilization development.

Harvesting Structure Series
This design was inspired by the relationship between natural structures and their environment, specially in the fungus ecosystem, there are normally complex networks underground which connect hundreds of fungus species across different environments.

I related society to this concept as now crops and productive settings connect a very broad human environment with our produce, normally in Hydroponic warehouses, completely disconnecting what is happening inside these natural factories, by protecting them.

I wanted to imagine a future where we are able though chemistry and genetic advancements to create a world where these hydroponic crops and factories are way more organic and connected to the outside world.

An natural environment that is fresh and open but still productive. I believe our connection to our natural environment is the only way forward, we need to reduce and improve the boundaries we have created in order for our society to exist.

And we must imagine new ways of co-habit with as much different species as we can, this makes me think about a brighter future where our world with hope and enthusiasm. Source and images Courtesy of MONOMO.