Ondes de lumière by Miguel Chevalier

Ondes de lumière

As part of the charter “1 building, 1 work”, Vinci Immobilier commissioned artist Miguel Chevalier to create an artwork for the Universeine district in Saint-Denis, the heart of the athletes’ village during the Paris 2024.

In consultation with architects Béal & Blanckaert, Pascal Gontier, Lina Ghotmeh, and Gaëtan Le Penhuel, Miguel Chevalier conceived the work “Ondes de Lumière” consisting of eight organic-shaped resin chandelier sculptures suspended from the ceilings of five porches in the two blocks of buildings along the Allée de la Seine.

Miguel Chevalier highlights the proximity of the Seine and draws inspiration from the movements of the water. In a stylised, relief-like way, he materialises the phenomenon of waves. Natural light creates a subtle effect in the material with striped bands alternating between transparency and translucency.

At nightfall, these sculptures light up, resembling large, colourful drapes. They project a succession of concentric rings onto the ground, representing the propagation of light waves and interference phenomena.

These sculptures create, for each porch, a vibrant universe of energy. Light introduces a sensitive and welcoming atmosphere for each porch, creating a soft and colorful ambiance tinged with dream and poetry.

These five successive creations, visible by residents or passersby, develop a uniqueness and identity specific to this group of buildings. Source by Miguel Chavalier.

  • Location: Athletes’ Village, Saint-Denis, France
  • Artist: Miguel Chevalier
  • Commissioned: Vinci Immobilier as part of the charter “1 building, 1 work”
  • Sculptures-chandeliers: Acrylic crystal Dacryl® and ALTUGLAS™ R-Life (recycled Cast Acrylic Sheet), LED ribbons, gobo projectors
  • Year: 2024
  • Photographs: Thomas Granovsky, Courtesy of Miguel Chevalier