Revitalization of Hatay by SOUR


In February 2023, the city of Antakya was struck by two devastating earthquakes, leaving it in ruins and displacing thousands of residents.

In response, SOUR has undertaken a monumental project to help rebuild the infrastructure and revive the spirit and essence of Antakya.

Invited by the Turkiye Design Council, SOUR has been working on Antakya’s regeneration initiative, with the aim to honor Antakya’s past, while paving the way for a vibrant future.

A community-centered approach
Understanding the necessity of centering communities and their lived experiences, SOUR facilitated a co-design process which kicked off with field research and ethnographic interviews in Antakya, Samandağ,

Serinyol, and Defne Harbiye. This research was carried out in collaboration with psychologists, anthropologists, and trauma experts to ensure a responsible and trauma-informed practice.

Insights from this research were compiled into a comprehensive report and documentary, which informed the next stages of work and overall master plan.

The design process continued with advisory from a co-creation panel, which included experts with diverse lived and professional expertise to ensure outcomes that would be authentic for the communities.

A paradigm shift in urban design
The reconstruction efforts led by SOUR reflect a paradigm shift in how cities can be designed in the aftermath of disasters.

This approach focuses on fostering communities where healing, resilience, and human dignity are central to the urban fabric.

By adopting a more empathetic and trauma-informed approach, SOUR is setting a new standard for urban regeneration. Source by SOUR.

  • Location: Antakya, Hatay, Turkiye
  • Architect: SOUR
  • Design Team: Inanc Eray, Pinar Guvenc, Marianne de Zeeuw,
  • Project Coordinator: Gamze Gürgenç, Ugur Imamoglu, Merve Güven, Pinar Gürsoy, Merve Akbay, Sevki Yapici, Kadija Fadil Bayero, Irem Gocmenoglu, Nafla Alqorayani, Ersin Gök, Leyla Akça, Duygu Çendag, Sema Çiçekli, Tamer Kocager
  • Structural Engineer: Güven Özer, Ömer Çitil, Gürcan Durak, TEZ YAPI
  • Mechanical Engineer: Hasan Duyar, Faruk Korkmaz, MEK ATÖLYE
  • Electrical Engineer: Salih Çoşkun, Fatih Doğan, APSİS ATÖLYE
  • Landscape Architect: Nalan Korkut, Şeyma Uz, STÜDYO NEOGE
  • Fire Consultant: Bilal Iğdır, Sinem Aksöz, Betül Çırak, ETOS
  • Civil Engineer: Eylem Güngör, Necati Dorukhan Güngör, Uğur Adıgözel, UĞUR HARİTA
  • Client: Turkiye Design Council
  • Size: 76.108 m2
  • Images: David Rossman, Stack Studios, Courtesy of SOUR