The Whitney Museum at Gansevoort by Renzo Piano Building Workshop

The Whitney Museum
The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

The Whitney Museum is building itself a new home in downtown Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. Due to open on May 1st, 2015, the project will substantially enlarge the Whitney’s exhibition and programming space, enabling the first comprehensive view of the Museum’s growing collection, which today comprises more than 19,000 works of modern and contemporary American art.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

Founded in 1930, the Whitney moved to its current Madison Avenue home, designed by Marcel Breuer, in 1966. At the time, its collection numbered some 2,000 pieces of 20th-century American art, so its nearly 100-fold expansion needs space to flourish.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

The new museum is to be situated in New York’s vibrant Meatpacking District. Fronting onto Gansevoort Street, the site lies between the Hudson and the High Line, Manhattan’s recently completed elevated urban park, built on a disused elevated spur of the 1930s New York Central Railroad.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

Clad in pale blue-grey enamel steel panels, the new, eight-storey building is powerfully asymmetrical, with the bulk of the full-height museum to the west, Hudson-side, with tiers of lighter terraces and glazed walkways stepping down to the High Line, embracing it into the project.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

The Museum is entered via a dramatically cantilevered plaza, or ‘largo’, a public space that serves as a kind of decompression chamber between street and museum, a shared space, with views to the Hudson and the High Line entrance just a few steps away. Accessed from the ‘largo’, the main entrance lobby also serves as a public gallery – nearly a thousand square feet (100 sq. m) of free-entry exhibition space.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

Level three houses a 170-retractible seat theatre with double-height views over the Hudson River, along with technical spaces and offices. Some 50,000 sq. ft (4 650 sq. m) of gallery space is distributed over levels five, six, seven and eight, the fifth level boasting a 18,000 sq ft (1670 sq. m), column-free gallery – making it the largest open-plan museum gallery in New York City.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

This gallery is reserved for temporary exhibitions and its expansive volume will enable the display of really large works of contemporary art. The permanent collection is exhibited on two floors, level six and seven. These two floors also step back towards the west to create 13,000 sq ft (1 200 sq. m) of outdoor sculpture terraces.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Timothy Schenck

Museum offices, education centre, conservation laboratories and library reading room are situated north of the building’s core on levels three to seven, including a multi-use theatre for film, video and performance on level five. Finally, on the top floor is the ‘studio’ gallery and a café, naturally lit by a skylight system in saw-tooth configuration.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Nic Lehoux

According to Pritzker Prize-wining architect Renzo Piano, “The design for the new museum emerges equally from a close study of the Whitney’s needs and from a response to this remarkable site. We wanted to draw on its vitality and at the same time enhance its rich character.”

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Karin Jobst

“We are creating an environment in which visitors will be encouraged to connect deeply with art through an irreplaceable first-hand experience” said Adam D. Weinberg, The Whitney’s Alice Pratt Brown Director. The new Whitney is due to open in 2015. Source by Renzo Piano Building Workshop architects.

The Whitney Museum
Photo © Nic Lehoux

Location: Gansevoort, New YorK City, USA
Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Collaboration: Cooper Robertson & Partners, New York
Executive Architect: Cooper, Robertson & Partners
MEP Engineer: Jaros, Baum & Bolles
Lighting/Daylighting Engineer: Ove Arup & Partners
Structural Engineer: Robert Silman Associates
Construction Manager: Turner Construction, LLC
Owner’s Rep: Gardiner & Theobald, Inc.
Client: The Whitney Museum of American Art
Area: 200,000 square foot
Year: 2015
Photographs: Timothy Schenck, Nic Lehoux, Karin Jobst

The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum The Whitney Museum

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