Camera Chiara by Annabel Karim Kassar

Camera Chiara
Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Annabel Karim Kassar Architects shows an architectural installation Camera Chiara with two pavilions; Liwan and Camera Obscura.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Conceived to be reused and reassembled in a different location after its launch in Milan: the Liwan as a mobile shelter and the Camera Obscura as an itinerant cinema.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Invited to the Energy For Creativity exhibition organized by the Italian magazine Interni, Annabel Karim Kassar Architects chose to display a monumental architectural structure in the Cortile 700 and a vision of everyday life in a Lebanese room.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Through the bellows of old cameras, Kassar symbolizes stills of Lebanese lifestyles brought to life here by the actor-spectators entering, wandering through, contemplating and leaving the space.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Two telescopic structures, named Liwan and Obscura respectively, made of raw metal and burnt dark and rough wooden planks face one another. Annabel Karim Kassar not only highlights savoir-faire but also French and Lebanese savoir-vivre.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Attracted by the diffuse light from Saint-Gobain’s hand-blown glass, one is in for a rare experience – a piece of interior and a kind of cinema installation.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Liwan is a tradition passed down from Ottoman constructions.
The wood floor was hand painted by craftspeople in the same patterns found on Lebanese ceramics.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

A sofa and vintage armchairs invite the visitor to sit. A vintage damask silk fabric covers the main couch.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

A recording of the hubbub of the city mixed with the traditional Arab music playing on a vintage gramophone and the singing of a bird comfortably perched on its cage.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

The quiet Obscura Pavilion is showing some movies talking about human stories, make up processes, craftsmanship… Source by Annabel Karim Kassar.

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

Location: Milan, Italy
Architect: Annabel Karim Kassar
Creative Director: Annabel Karim Kassar
Project manager: Rabih Zeidan architect
Interior architect: Violaine Jeantet
Lighting designer: Christophe Hascoet, Caï light, Alain Pin
Produced: HSC
Contributors: Amar Foundation, Kamal Kassar, Caï light, Golran 1898, Imola Legno S.p.A., Francoise Subes, Sylumis
Area: around 50 sqm each
Year: 2015
Photographs: Nicolo Lanfranchi, Courtesy of Annabel Karim Kassar

Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi
Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi
Camera Chiara
Photo © Nicolo Lanfranchi

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