The winners of the Atlanta Bridgescape Competition

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
sin(uosity) by the Max Neiswander and Luke Kvasnicka

The winners of the Atlanta Bridgescape Competition were announced earlier in this days at the American Institute of Architects National Convention.

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
sin(uosity) by the Max Neiswander and Luke Kvasnicka

Two winning designs – one for the 10th Street Bridge in Midtown and one for the Courtland/McGill Bridge in Downtown – were selected blindly by a panel of design professionals who are considered experts in their respective fields.

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
sin(uosity) by the Max Neiswander and Luke Kvasnicka

The winners are:

– sin(uosity) – designed by the Max Neiswander and Luke Kvasnicka of Atlanta for the 10th Street Bridge

– Organic Canopy – designed by Roger DeWeese with Peachtree Architects of Atlanta for the Courtland/McGill Bridge.

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
Organic Canopy by Roger DeWeese with Peachtree Architects

“I’m so pleased with the winning selections of the Atlanta Bridgescape Competition, and incredibly excited that Central Atlanta Progress, Midtown Alliance, and American Institute of Architects are engaging the design community and the public in a creative competition on this scale,” said Courtney Hammond.

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
Organic Canopy by Roger DeWeese with Peachtree Architects

“It’s provoked some great conversations about the future shape our city, our infrastructure and the care for artistic improvement.” continues Courtney Hammond.

Atlanta Bridgescape Competition
Organic Canopy by Roger DeWeese with Peachtree Architects

“The Atlanta Bridgescape Competition was launched with the intention of securing solutions that go beyond beautification to address issues like connectivity, pedestrian and bicycle mobility, and sustainability,” said CAP President A.J. Robinson. “We received some very innovative ideas that I am confident will result in impressive transformations for both bridges.”

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