“Torre Piloti” by Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Torre Piloti
Torre Piloti
Image © Renzo Piano Building Workshop

“A sentry called to watch over the security of the port.” So Renzo Piano has described the new “Torre Drivers” of the port of Genoa during the press conference to present the project donated by the Genoese in the port community.

Torre Piloti
Image © Renzo Piano Building Workshop

The architect Piano talked about the great symbolic value of the project, the constant attention to safety at all stages, as moral ethical duty after the tragedy of 2013 when, on the night of May 7, the ship Jolly Nero hit the old tower built to Giano pier causing them to collapse with the death of 9 people.

Torre Piloti
Image © Renzo Piano Building Workshop

The metal tower will be positioned on the end of the east of the harbor, at the new dock: it will be 60 meters high, made of steel, with two lifts that take you from space to earth (about 2,000 square meters for offices and accommodation) to control room, on top of which it will install some solar panels.

Torre Piloti

“It is also a kind of guardian of the city – said Renzo Piano – although of course the visual field will range to 360 degrees. Then the elevators, which look like two small ships, represent well this creature that lives there and is not abandoned.”

Torre Piloti
Press conference

With regard to the times, we will work quickly to detailed design in order to proceed with the race early next year and to begin work at the end of 2016 to see the new tower pilots realized during 2017.

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