MVRDV Wins Competition in Zuidas Business District

MVRDV Win Competition in Zuidas Business District

MVRDV and OVG Real Estate have been selected by the municipality of Amsterdam for the development of the P15 Ravel plot in the Zuidas Business District. The competition, which began in the spring of 2015, is located on Beethoven Street, adjacent to the ABN AMRO headquarters beside the ‘Sportpark Goed Genoeg’ (AFC).

MVRDV Win Competition in Zuidas Business District
Image © MVRDV

The project was created with the aim of realising a multifunctional building, which included a mixed programme of offices, residences and amenities, covering a total floor area between 50,000 m2 and 75,000 m2. A number of possible tenants for the offices and other commercial spaces have already been involved in the project. Source by MVRDV.

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