Headquarters Cualtis by Denorte

Headquarters Cualtis

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

We started with the Project in 2010, when we decided to believe in the Singular Design of CUALTIS, and after having part also in the construction of their offices in Murcia. The old construction was a building with red bricks fronts and full of windows (128).

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

How this is an administrative area, placed in one industrial zone in Madrid and we thought to risk with the Final Design. The building is far from the most transitables places, so we needed to move it to a first line. To make it easy to recognize the construction among others near from there.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

We began with the idea of the trapezoidal volume and the heigh (5 floors ) of the ground and decided to cover all with a second structure, also called skin. Projecting shadows, that make lower Interior solar charge of different departments.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

That way, we easily differentiate ground floor between the others, changing colour and use of the others external structures (skins). After covering with the skins, we selectionate some pieces with big spaces, separated 15 cm from the main structure.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

Both pieces are made in the same material, respecting the essence of manufacturing process. With that will be reach the sensation of being a natural and continuous texture and plot but not a repetitive view.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

Also, the plot will be over the hightest point of the building, allowing to see clearly the sky through the big spaces. Then we get a lighter, etereo and more trivial building.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

Front like a Canvas
When we have generate the whole of the building, with a mat white doble skin on his four fronts. That space will be used like an enormous and irregular canvas, expecting the intervention of the artist SUSSO33.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

Thinking about 2010, when Spain went into a big crisis, damaging in special construction area. It lets a lot of unfinished projects, only the structure was up.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

Then properties, decided to order some artists to decorate these spaces with big pictures making a cleaner and smarter place. Urban artist SUSSO33, has acted over the derelics or demolished spaces, that we call “absenses”. Life had been on these walls time ago.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos

That is the reason why we decided to believe to him for that project from the begin. Define the four fronts of the building like a naked canvas. Absense changes to presence, making the building more personal. Source by Denorte.

Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
  • Location: Argos 4-6 Madrid, Spain
  • Architects: Denorte
  • Artistic Intervention: Suso33
  • Project Editor: E&P + Denorte
  • Project Customer: Cualtis, S.L.U.
  • Facade Builders:Decodesk + Monincor
  • Builder: Garcia Y Nieto
  • Timelapse:Kurkuba
  • Materials:Ondulated Metal Profile + Lattice Aluminum of Decodesk
  • Area: 1,423,81 m2
  • Total Area Façade: 2.713,52 m2
  • Year: 2016
  • Photographs: David Frutos, Courtesy of Denorte
Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
Headquarters Cualtis
Photo © David Frutos
Headquarters Cualtis
Facade Scheme
Headquarters Cualtis
Facade Scheme

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