Arkitema + Arkitektgruppen Cubus win the competition for new Energy and Technology building to Bergen

new Energy and Technology building to Bergen
new Energy and Technology building to Bergen
Image © Arkitema and Arkitektgruppen Cubus

Danish Arkitema Architects and Norwegian Arkitektgruppen Cubus have won the competition to design the new Energy and technology building (EnTek) at the University of Bergen (UiB) marks a starting point of a new vision. Making room for both science and industry, the goal is to materialise the visions of Science City Bergen. With a prominent placement in Norway’s second largest city the new 17,500 m2 building will become a southward gateway to the university.

new Energy and Technology building to Bergen
Image © Arkitema and Arkitektgruppen Cubus

EnTek is designed to ensure even more collaboration between UiB’s faculty and the energy and technology industry. At the same time the winning proposal also include a new street bringing university and city even closer together. The project also makes room for an entirely new public space in Bergen “Science City” that will lift professional communities and bring new thoughts to life. The vision of Science City Bergen is to support even more research and development between companies and faculties, with the ambition to become an international portal for innovation within energy, climate and technology.

new Energy and Technology building to Bergen
Image © Arkitema and Arkitektgruppen Cubus

The future EnTek building will become a landmark in Bergen with both an aesthetic and usable architectural design. Furthermore the establishment of a new street from the southern parts of Bergen towards UiB will create a new central meeting point for researchers as well as citizens of Bergen. EnTek is situated right next to the oldest building on campus, the Meteorological Institute, so the building will mark a new and modern arrival to the university, but at the same time symbolically linking future and past. That is just an extra bonus for us, making it even more interesting,” says senior partner in Arkitema Architects Per Fischer. Source by Arkitema Architects.

new Energy and Technology building to Bergen
Image © Arkitema and Arkitektgruppen Cubus

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