‘The Green Entrance’ for a City with style by DELVA Landscape Architects

The Green Entrance
The Green Entrance
View on the new ‘City Hall’ from the City Park

The plan for ‘The Green Entrance’ of The Hague, as part of the program ‘City Entrances’, covers a unique area with ‘Koningin Julianaplein’, the historic ‘Koekamp’, the ‘Malieveld’ and the ‘Haagse Bos’ and multiple formal rows of trees. Through an integral approach between landscape design, cultural heritage, mobility, programming and technology, the result is a truly unique design of ‘The Green Entrance’ with a self-explanatory The Hague identity.

The Green Entrance
Plan drawing of the ‘The Green Entrance’ – The Hague

More dense, more green, more sustainable
The Hague has the ambition to add 25.000 new houses to the inner city by 2025. About 10.000 of them will be built in the surroundings of ‘The Green Entrance’, e.g. in the Central Innovation District. Increasing density, together with maintaining the business climate, goes hand in hand with improving sustainability and greening the city.

The Green Entrance
Different entities of ‘The Green Entrance’

‘The Green Entrance’ connects areas that have been isolated over the years. It starts in the spacious and open ‘City Hall’, that connects to the train station and continues to the ‘Koningin Julianaplein’. The square offers both a place of orientation, as a pleasant place to stay or transfer. The square continues to the historical ‘Koekamp’ that is surrounded by the new ‘Koninklijk Stadspark’. A lush green park that exposes the variety of the city and also forms the gateway towards the national park in formation ‘The Hague Forest’.

The Green Entrance
The new pavilion with a water playground the heart of the square

Close to ‘The Green Entrance’ are many governmental agencies, embassies and NGO’s, the Provincial House, the Museum District and the centre of The Hague. Besides an infrastructural node, this entrance is also a symbolic gateway to the city. ‘The Green Entrance’ is a warm welcome to the thousands of commuters, visitors and tourists from in- or outside the country that arrive to The Hague via the central station. Starting from the impressive ‘City Hall’, they will feel the elegance and international allure of The Hague, the city on the coast and the legal capital of the world.

The Green Entrance
The ‘City Hall’ with its unique ceiling of justice and peace

‘Koningin Julianaplein’
People leaving the station will pass through the impressive ‘City Hall’, with it’s unique ceiling that refers to peace and justice, that contains high quality bars, restaurants and retail facilities. The new green city square starts under the ‘City Hall’ and slowly blends in with its green surroundings. The new pavilion is the hart of the square and activates the space. After the restoration of the ‘Koekamp’, we add green dunes to the ensemble of square and park.

The Green Entrance
A new home base as gateway to the ‘Haagse Bos’

‘Koninklijk Stadspark’ with the ‘Koekamp’ and ‘Malieveld’
The ‘Koekamp’ is designed by the famous Dutch landscape architect J.D. Zocher junior in 1839, and parts of his design are still recognisable. In time, the elements of the green ensemble got isolated and lost their connection with the city and the ‘Haagse Bos’. The plans of DELVA Landscape Architects restore the coherence between this elements and by this, restore honour.

The Green Entrance
A bridge over the ‘Utrechtsebaan’ will connect the ‘Koekamplaan’ with the ‘Haagse Bos’

By positioning the pavilion in the northeast corner, the square is enclosed on eye level. Because the pavilion is located just outside the main building, there is a chance to create a place for social activity just outside the station. Away from the busy and hectic trainstation, but right in the centre of the major public transportation hub of The Hague. An attractive public space with a terrace in the sun that activates the square and turns it in a space of activity en social interaction.

The Green Entrance
The ‘Malieveld’ as active manifestation- and event space

The park pavilion, designed in the same style as the pavilion on the square, contains a small cafe and is situated just aside the new harbour. It is located in the corner of the city park and functions as an eye-catcher from the Berlagebrug. The pavilion marks the entrance of the city and functions as a hospitality pavilion. Its contains a diverse program, like a cafe, ticketing for the sightseeing boats and as a tourist information point.

The Green Entrance
Different entities of ‘The Green Entrance’

Gate of the ‘Haagse Bos’
The home base of the National Forest Management Agency is located in the heart of the ‘Koekamp’, currently hidden by the shrubs of the deer camp. DELVA integrates this place in the redesigned historic park of Zocher and restores its historical structures. By this, the base of the National Forest Management is suddenly located inside a park, on an island and surrounded by water. The island will function as a recreational stepping stone from the city centre to the ‘Haagse Bos’. By covering a part of the ‘Utrechtsebaan’ and introducing paths for slow traffic, the ‘Koekamp’ and the ‘Haagse Bos’ will be connected for cyclists and pedestrians.

The Green Entrance
The rethought ‘Maliebaan’ is part of the Malieveld and is a place of meeting and activity

Malie Sports Track
The ‘Malieveld’ is a big open space that is used as a manifestation field and is surrounded by a historic green frame of trees. DELVA adds an interesting element: the ‘Malie Sport Track’. The historic function is reintroduced and many different sports can be played on the ‘Track’, that is a art piece on itself. The inspiration for the design of the ‘Malie Sports Track’ is taken from the most famous piece of Mondriaan, ‘Victory Boogie Woogie’. The new ‘Track’ reintroduces art in the public space and will introduce digitalisation on the ‘Malieveld’. Source and images, Courtesy of DELVA Landscape Architects.

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