Atmospheres 2018

Image Courtesy of Atmospheres

Here in Milan the Design Week is approaching, and Fuori Salone, as every year, stands out as the main and most dynamic event in the city, capable of drawing links between different fields, such as the manufacture world, some design movements and Architecture. Moreover, it reaches people who are far from these fields, and above all Fuori Salone is able to create some inedited Atmospheres.

Image Courtesy of Atmospheres

This year Atmo, taking the slogan of “it’s a brick, maybe”, would like to reflect with extemporaneous and instinctual methodologies. For this reason, Atmospheres 2018, which strategically will take place at the opening night of the FuoriSalone on April 16th 2018, will organise a critical mass that will conform itself as a performance able to summarize both artistic and architectural instances.

Image Courtesy of Atmospheres

From 6PM through the evening all the students of the Polytechnic, together with selected architecture and art studies, are invited to take part in the project, reflecting on the meaning of the brick, meant not only as a basic element of the construction but also as a material that can make up a larger and more complex organism, an empathic and expressive collective atmosphere.

Image Courtesy of Atmospheres

Anyone who intensely lives the themes of contemporaneity and wants his/her opinion to be heard is invited to participate by producing a “brick (maybe)” with any material as long as it has a maximum weight of 1 kg and a minimum size of 25 cm long x 12 cm thick x 8 cm high. The critical mass will be introduced by moments of dialogue with art and architectural studios, that will set up exhibition spaces inside the Patio. Source and images Courtesy of Atmospheres.

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