Kaohsiung Social Housing by Mecanoo

Kaohsiung Social Housing

Mecanoo’s Social Housing philosophy focuses on the development of affordable living spaces defined by flexibility, the right balance of private and communal spaces, mixed housing types, connection with the environment and identity. The housing complex in Kaohsiung will host 234 units between 25 and 75m2, designed for a large variety of users, from students, young couples to families with children, as well for elderly or people with special needs.

Kaohsiung Social Housing
Image © Mecanoo

Sky Park
Located between the new green corridor and the existing neighbourhood along the railway, the Housing Complex will be a kick-off project part of a larger urban redevelopment with mixed use buildings for the whole area. The triangular plot defines the shape of the two buildings connected by a green canopy around the courtyard which serves as an entrance for the residents.

Kaohsiung Social Housing
Image © Mecanoo

Commercial spaces on the perimeter of the ground floor generate street life and activate the public spaces around the building. The east building houses most of the apartments while the west tower concentrates the mixed-use program, with social facilities, apartments and a senior’s day-care centre. Distributed in several floors and connected by green terraces, the Sky Park works as a social hub open to the public, which brings together residents and the local community.

Kaohsiung Social Housing

A playful grid of vertical elements and windows creates various rhythms on the façade. The depth between structure and the exterior walls provides shadow and reduces the solar heat gains inside the apartments. Different from most housing blocks in Taiwan where façade materials are used to cover walls, columns and slabs, Mecanoo’s choice for this social housing is to create a contrast between structure and walls.

Kaohsiung Social Housing
Design Concept 1

Green and white coloured ceramic tiles are used to infill the structural grid covered in stucco. The coloured tiles, a typical material largely used in Taiwanese architecture come together in a playful composition to pattern the visual identity of Kaohsiung Social Housing. Source by Mecanoo.

Kaohsiung Social Housing
Design Concept 2
  • Location: No. 22, Ankang Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • Architect: Mecanoo
  • Local partner: Chao Architects, Kaohsiung
  • Structural engineer: Supertek, Taipei
  • Client: Urban Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan
  • Awards: 1st Prize Competition
  • Size: 28,600 m2
  • Realisation: 2018-2020
  • Images: Courtesy of Mecanoo
Kaohsiung Social Housing
Kaohsiung Social Housing
Ground Floor Plan
Kaohsiung Social Housing
Second Floor Plan
Kaohsiung Social Housing
Typical Floor Plan

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