Solo house by Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

Solo house
Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

She shouts with the light that shines from within: a home to “LIVE”. However, it is so isolated that it seems like no one is allowed to enter. She is on her own.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

The only asset she owns is the void, which she tries to fill by any means, to cheer herself up. There is no shelter, no companion but herself; she must make it alone.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

Nevertheless, she awaits a guest, who will never show up. Solo house; a house with a design scope of 7 * 20 * 7 m3 is considered in a hypothetical location with a neighborhood surrounding its east and west side, with access from the south.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

Due to the ambiguity, such as the vague context, obscure geography and unclear users, the strategy was based on the idea that the house should be defined in a container, not interacting with the surrounding environment, but with itself.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

According to the definition, the program of the house is divided into two sections; private- and publicspace.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

This is the division of full- and empty-space, defined and organized by the objects inside the container.

Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari

Private spaces of the house are objects inside the container. This conjunction leads to the creation of a empty space, defining the public space of the house.

Solo house

Therefore, the synergy resulted from the interaction of the object and the empty space, leads to the creation of the living space. Source by Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari.

Solo house
  • Location: concept
  • Architects: Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari
  • Status: 1st place Competition
  • Year: 2017
  • Images: Courtesy of Nima Nian
Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari
Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari
Solo house
Image © Nima Nian, Mohammad Beiglari
Solo house
Solo house
Solo house

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