Weiss/Manfredi design revitalizes Artis—Naples Cultural Campus

Baker Museum
Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

Artis—Naples announced that completion of The Baker Museum Repair and Expansion Project is scheduled for November 2019 and construction is underway. The design by Weiss/Manfredi Architecture reveals a cultural campus that begins to realize the bold vision of the organization’s Master Plan.

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

The Master Plan aims to enhance the visitor experience by creating welcoming spaces that reflect the natural beauty of Southwest Florida and allow for enhanced dialogue between the visual and performing arts programs of Artis—Naples. “Our design for the renovation and expansion of The Baker Museum nests a series of interlocking indoor and outdoor spaces that create an open garden courtyard for programmed and spontaneous events,” said Michael Manfredi and Marion Weiss. Adding,

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

Baker Museum has been closed since September 6, 2017 due to water intrusion and damage to the facade sustained from Hurricane Irma and the storms of 2017. The design for the Museum ensures resistance against future storms while expanding to launch the vision of the Master Plan. The removal of the glass dome-shaped Figge Conservatory allows for a larger lobby, relocation of the museum store, museum ticketing and a reference library.

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

A monumental exterior staircase ascends the new facade, providing a private entrance for special events in the second-floor expansion. The Norris Garden, the courtyard between The Baker Museum and Hayes Hall—the 1,477 seat performing arts space—doubles in size and physically connects the two primary art forms of Artis—Naples.

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

This unifying space encourages social engagement among participants of all disciplines and benefits from lush landscaping in a tropical environment. The 17,650 square-foot expansion to the south creates three new, flexible spaces designed to accommodate a variety of art forms and supports the interdisciplinary mission of the organization.

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

The southern facade of the museum building is the most dramatic, offering glimpses into the artistic activities taking place within the new spaces as well as social gathering in the Norris Garden. The new event space on the second floor, complete with glass doors that open to welcome the gulf breeze, is equally at home hosting large catered receptions as well as rehearsals and performances.

Baker Museum
Image © Weiss/Manfredi

A breakout gallery with seating and a view of the courtyard is added on the third floor, allowing patrons the ability to move from their museum gallery experience to the outdoor sculpture terrace to the south. The outdoor service counter and reception space is ideal for pre- or postevent drinks and socializing. At this elevation, views to the west allow patrons to enjoy sunsets during their Artis—Naples visit. Source and images Courtesy of Artis—Naples.

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