EKKO by Thilo Frank

Thilo Frank
On September 2, the Danish Arts Foundation and Hjallerup Cooperative will dedicate an art work entitled EKKO in Hjallerup, which is located in northern Jutland in Denmark.
Thilo Frank
The work has been created by the German artist Thilo Frank.  Ekko is the first of a total of three public art works that were the result of the ”Our Art” project for which the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, the Danish Arts Foundation, and the Danish Arts Council were responsible.
Thilo Frank
EKKO offers people a very special walking tour and sound experience: EKKO is built of 119 wooden logs, each of which is angled slightly, so the construction turns in on itself along a 60-metre corridor.
Thilo Frank
As you walk around in the work, you experience a unique sound, because footsteps and voices in the corridor are registered by built-in microphones and repeated in the wood logs in a different form – as a twisted EKKO.
Thilo Frank
EKKO, thus, makes its viewers co-creators of the work. It was important for Hjallerup to have a work of art that took as its springboard the strong volunteer commitment that is behind the city’s major annual event, the Hjallerup market, and its rich mix of associations.
Thilo Frank
ThiloFrank, born in 1978, was educated at the State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart. He is known for his work with installations, sculptures, and photography. 
Thilo Frank
He has created and is interested in interactive works in which the spectator’s participation in the work is a prerequisite for the work’s meaning.
Thilo Frank
INFO: EKKO, 2012 | Permanent Public Installation | Ø 20m H 3m | modified wood, stainless steel wire, zinc coated steel, aluminum, concrete, microphones, amplified computer controlled sound-system

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