Digfabmty 1.0 by Alejandro Rodriguez

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

A group of 11 undergrad students from Tecnologico De Monterrey Campus Monterrey have constructed a Parametric Pavilion as a final exercise for the semester in the class “Tecnologias Avanzadas en la Arquitectura” by Alex Rodriguez.

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

The project started with an algorithm created by one of the students were a pyramidal shaped component was placed across a vaulted surface, creating a strong differentiation by changing its height.

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

Another algorithm was elaborated to unfold all the 195 components to a flat surface to be laser cut and then folded to generate the pyramidal shape from a single piece of 3 millimeter Coroplast.

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

The team carefully assembled all the components using an industrial staple gun and plastic cable zip ties and reinforced the structure with PVC pipes that were fixed to the ground.

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

The pavilion will encourage future students to use digital fabrication techniques. Source by Alejandro Rodriguez.

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

Location: Monterrey, Mexico
Coordinator: Alejandro Rodriguez
Design: Andrés Martinez
Project Team: Paulina Rangel, Francisco Ruiz, Omar Nava, Maru Padilla, Cesar Delgado, Andrés Martinez, Esteban Huacuja, Javier Jasso, Cristina Gonzalez, Lucia Coronel, Alberto Frias
School: Tec de Monterrey Campus Monterrey
Material: Coroplast
Software: Rhinoceros + Grasshopper
Area: 21 square meters
Year: December 2014
Photographs: Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez
© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez
© Courtesy by Alejandro Rodriguez

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