Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography by BFarchitecture

Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography

Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyThe Museum of Ethnography in Budapest is conceived as a confluence of the park and the city- the nature and the architecture- Bookending the promenade along Dózsa György út, the building allow public life to follow through it. The urban pavement, starting from The Museum of Fine Art and passing by the Hero Square, rises to become a pocket of terrace overlooking the park and elevating an outdoor gallery above the city.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyAs an Agora, the museum of the people will reflect the everyday life of the city flowing through its generous terrace and staircase where people, functions and activities meet to form a dynamic and vibrant space. On a special occasions it will turn into an urban stage for an outdoor performance to extend the art into the city as well as the city into the architecture. A space where the users articulate the building while the building articulates the city. On the ground floor, the promenade continue on the inner attractive path from shops, café to events spaces.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyA large ramps takes its starting point at the busy arrival reception and gradually extends to the different ambiance. The Museum become more than exhibition space, it’s a space to be explored and experienced. The ramps leads visitors to cross the institution part of the museum with all its workshops, Ethnological archives and library to the main exhibition part. The exhibition core is lifted above the institutional pillars. From the Main exhibition, a lounge bar is taking a place as a relaxing point after the exhibition visit.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyThe lounge bar is extended on the terrace above the outer staircase leads the visitors to rejoin the Park side and the Pedestrian promenade. In order to increase the relation  between the city center and the City Park, the Dòsza Györgi út requires a redesign that seperates local from through traffic. Several – green – resting points improve the crossability for pedestrians and bicycles drastically. The redesign of a small part of the park creates a small entrance square that continues as well on the wave of the building, as to the interior entrance hall.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyCovered bicycle parkings with integrated charging stations for electrical bikes are situated on the main entrances of the museum. Public transport, the trolley bus, can have an extra stop alongside the terrace of the museum and be combines with a dropp-off bay for three touristic buses. The underground parking under the agora has the intrinsical quality of linking the three museums along the Dòsza Györgi út. Through a smart design of the upper parking layers, the logistic services of the three museums would be facilitated underground instead of  by separate ramps that divide the public space.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyA link between the underground public parking and the private parking spaces for the museum can be made as well on this level. Some of the private parking spaces are equipped with charging stations. Water for reuse is contained in a water basin in the basement. This way the storm water can be used for toilet flushing, watering plants, … Source by BFarchitecture.
Liget Budapest Museum of EthnographyLocation: Budapest, Hungary
Architects: BFarchitecture
Architects in Charge: Bobby Fogel, Olfa Kammoun, Mohamed Bouzrara
Project Team: Eva Trip, Friso Jonker
Stability Engineer: Bureau Greish
Sustainability and Hvac Engineers: VKgroup
Visualization: MAV/ Mohamed Aouam
Area: 20000.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of BFarchitecture
Award: 2nd Place
Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography

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