Angola Pavilion Expo 2015 by Paula Nascimento

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

At its exhibition space, Angola seeks to showcase Angolan food and fare that can be used to create better and healthier lifestyles for future generations.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

Angola has chosen to elaborate the theme of Expo Milano 2015, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life: focusing on the culture and soul of the African nation through its varied and traditional cuisine, with its theme of: Educate to Innovate.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The concept of education is interpreted here as awareness of nutrition in Angolan society from schools to universities, the re-definition of norms and regulations of local production and imports, and the introduction of quality checks in local markets.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The concept of innovation has two aspects: one, based on the constant encouragement of traditional local practices that are both healthy and sustainable. The other, to integrate the best technologies that science can offer for a robust sustainable development.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The role of women is central to Angolan society – from food preparation to domestic economy, from family hygiene to education; they are at the heart of its traditions. Source EXPO 2015.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The trunk, branches and fruits of secular, built of wood and concrete, are covered with images of women, portrayed as they work the fields or carrying a child. Women and mothers, guardians of tradition and valuable resources for the country, which means clustering to bet in order to create innovative projects.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The pavilion structure is rectangular with the external facade made from geometric and stylized figures. The pavilion is on three levels: a garden and a vegetable garden outside, the exhibition space and an area dedicated to bars, restaurants and merchandising, as well as a roof terrace.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

The baobab tree sacred and food source of the African continent is the distinguishing feature of the pavilion. Source by Masterplanstudio.

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento

Location: Milan, Italy
Architect: Paula Nascimento
Local Partner: Masterplanstudio
General Construction Company: Mangiavacchi Pedercini
Area: 2,010 m2
Year: 2015

Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento
Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento
Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento
Pavilion Angola Expo 2015
Image © Paula Nascimento
Pavilion Angola Expo 2015

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