Shortlist for Birmingham’s Centenary Square

Birmingham Centenary Square
Image © Atkins via RIBA Competitions

Rival designs for the future of Birmingham’s landmark Centenary Square will go on display this week and visitors will be asked for their views.

Image © Atkins via RIBA Competitions

The five designs were revealed are:
– Atkins
– Barton Willmore
– Broadway Malayan
– Graeme Massie Architects
– Open Studio

Image © Barton Willmore via RIBA Competitions

It is hoped to find the design which best complements the square’s landmark buildings including the Library of Birmingham, the ICC and Hall of Memory as well as being a hub for the city centre.

Image © Barton Willmore via RIBA Competitions

They were selected from almost 200 entries submitted by architects around the world as part of a competition run by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Image © Broadway Malayan via RIBA Competitions

The display is held at the Library of Birmingham from May 22 to May 30 during Library opening hours. There is also the chance to vote for a favourite design online on the RIBA website. A judging panel will select the winner but it has pledged to take the public view into account.

Image © Broadway Malayan via RIBA Competitions

City council deputy leader Ian Ward said: “One of these five finalists will see their design become reality, transforming Centenary Square into a place where people will stop, relax and socialise, rather than simply passing through.

Image © Graeme Massie Architects via RIBA Competitions

“I hope that as many people as possible will take this opportunity to come and view the final designs and have their say on how a key area of their city will look. With planned improvements to transport links and other major development projects in the pipeline for Birmingham, these are exciting times for our city.”

Image © Graeme Massie Architects via RIBA Competitions

Chris Webster, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership board director, added: “I am extremely impressed by the quality of the five designs. Each of them presents a different vision of how this important public space in the heart of Birmingham could be transformed.

Image © Open Studio via RIBA Competitions

“I hope that as many people as possible share their views on the proposals to help us choose the winner. We want the design to befit the iconic and historic buildings around Centenary Square and create a space that those of us who live, work and visit the city can enjoy.”

Image © Open Studio via RIBA Competitions

Work to implement the winning design, once it has been chosen, will be carried out by Thomas Vale in partnership with Fitzgerald Civil Engineering, both Birmingham-based contractors. Source by Birmingham Post.

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