C’è Luce (There is light) by thesignLab

C’è Luce (There is light)
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

“C’è Luce” (There is light) is the installation of “Andare Oltre Si Può” http://www.andareoltresipuo.it/, association promoting the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

The lighting installation is part of the project dedicated to “LIGHT AOSP 2015” sponsored by UNESCO – IYL 2015, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, MiBACT; Regione Toscana, Provincia di Lucca, Comune di Lucca, Comune di Capannori, Coordown, Special Olympics Italia.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

Domenico Raimondi, art director and designer of “C’è Luce”: “As important element in everyday life, light is a unique and essential resource, it nourishes the life and also improves it.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

During the “International Year of Light and technologies based on Light” promoted in 2015 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, there is a crossing and meeting place.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

A square in the square where people meet and look into each other’s eyes, a place where you can give a smile or look at the sky pointing the nose upwards.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

Modernity contrasts the art, contemporaneity contrasts the history. Light is life, color, emotion. Light is hope.” The installation consists of 112 water tanks with low-consumption LED lamps inside.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

At 4 entrances visitors, through touch controls, can change the brightness and color of the walls. Inside the message “Going beyond it’s possibile” in different languages, a message and an invitation to go beyond the differences and diversity.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

From December 19 to January 10, 101 works of art dedicated to light will be on display at the Palazzo Ducale in Lucca and January 9 will be auctioned to raise funds for charity projects. Source by thesignLab.

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

Location: Piazza San Michele, Lucca, Italy
Architect: thesignLab Domenico Raimondi
Manufactures: Amandla Production, Allestend, Scutaro, Proservice, Huevo Print
Client: “Andare oltre si può”
Area: Total surface 100 m2
Year: 28 november 2015 – 10 january 2016
Images: Courtesy of thesignLab

C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab
C’è Luce (There is light)
Image © thesignLab

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