Design Misurata Museum by Mohammed Abeed

Misurata Museum
Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed

The idea of the project after several studies on the city’s history and crafts and handicrafts local heritage and through several visits to the site there was an element draws attention and is Es Senia element (old well) Hedda element drawing attention to me and it was the beginning of ideas point of the project.

Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed

Where you link between history and location the old and the well is located at the site where the well that this is a historical element reflects the history and heritage of the city.

Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed

For the interfaces was the main idea consists of three major tracks divide the bloc of three parts and each track of this topic tracks is three small paths. The philosophy of this topic routes are expressing three historical periods experienced by the city from the Ottoman period and period were Italian colonization and independence period to the present day Hedda.

Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed

Also tracks give vitality to the building and be illuminated at night to give the most beautiful block in the site. Also there was a pattern in the slots, which is a circular openings diminished Matkon closer to the modern design in the architectural facades. Source by Mohammed Abeed.

Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed

Location: Misurata, Libya
Student: Mohammed Abeed
Graduation Project Semester: Aiutem 2015, Supervised by abd al hamed trainah
University: Misurata Faculty of Engineering
Images: Courtesy of Mohammed Abeed

Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed
Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed
Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed
Misurata Museum
Image © Mohammed Abeed
Misurata Museum
Misurata Museum
Site Plan
Misurata Museum
Ground Floor Plan
Misurata Museum
First Floor Plan
Misurata Museum

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