Suez Cruise Terminal by Mohamed Elbangy

Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

Suez Canal and Suez zone have a unique location as they have 7% of navy trade passes through them and a large number of cruise ships use it as shipping lanes. Availability of tourist areas and attractions near from the Suez zone and Red sea represent as a good attractor for people as a tourist place.

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

The project is cruise terminal for cruise ships with recreational facilities for tourism purpose and targeting the cruise ships that pass through the Suez Canal and the people at tourist places near from Suez zone by offering to them recreational and touristic facilities and support for ships. The project located about 5 kilometers from Suez Canal.

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

Design Guide
Social interactive place Design social interactive elements and spaces through the project for public access (Ex. Public Platform, Open Exhibition Space, Food court, cafes and children space

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

• International IconThrough creative and unusual form formation based on the concept and to be represented as an iconic landmark for Suez Canal and Suez city
• Energy Efficient Project – Enhance building orientation & respect the climatic factors – Designing optimized building envelope for energy efficiency -Implementing systems for generating power through the structure (ex. turbines supported on the piles underwater)

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

The cruise terminal is the gate that people use to enter countries or cities through water, it is represented as a link between land and water, the idea of the form comes from the function of the terminal that links between solidity (Land) to fluidity (Water).

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

This link shows interplay between water and land, it is translated to be a twist that can define the transformation and interplay between water and land, as twist form is a transitional form through a change between the two cases from vertical to horizontal.
– The form is selected to be longitudinal based on the cruise terminal function and zoning analysis.

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

– The longitudinal form twisted on its long axis from horizontal to vertical direction.
– The twisted form duplicated. Atriums, openings and patterns added to the roof based on the climatic analysis for sun and wind to achieve attractive, ventilated and daylit for the inner spaces
– The whole project composed of the main building, berth and public platform for small voyages and cruises with proper landscape

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

Project Justification
1- The project follows the role of the new developments that planned for the Suez Canal and Suez zone in order to make it as logistics hub based on its unique location.
2- The project located about 5 kilometers from Suez Canal which about 7% of navy trade passes through it and a large number of cruise ships use it as shipping lanes.

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

3- The location of the project on the sea surface represents a good attractor for people as a tourist place in Suez gulf in Red sea
4- Availability of tourist areas and attractions near the project location such as Ain Sokhna and Ras Sudr give a potential to the project which gives a potential to the project.

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy

Site Justification
1- Suez Canal location and its opportunities for the future investments as it is at the heart of international trade and connected to the domestic, regional and global markets.
2- The Suez Canal Area Development Project launched in Sharm Sheikh economic conference in March 2015 and it is one of the mega developments launched to stimulate economic development and growth in Egypt.
3- The opportunity of generating power from renewable resources that available at Suez gulf from solar, hydro and wind power. Source by Mohamed Elbangy

Suez Cruise Terminal
Image © Mohamed Elbangy
Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Overlaid Plans
Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Exploded axonometric
Suez Cruise Terminal
Suez Cruise Terminal
Structure System
Suez Cruise Terminal
Landscape Elements
Suez Cruise Terminal
Landscape Elements
Suez Cruise Terminal
Circulation Scheme
Suez Cruise Terminal
Circulation Scheme
Suez Cruise Terminal
Sustainability Scheme
Suez Cruise Terminal
Sustainability Scheme
Suez Cruise Terminal
Sustainability Scheme

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