Austrian embassy Bangkok by HOLODECK architects

Austrian embassy Bangkok
Model © Courtesy of HOLODECK architects

An embassy building has an important people connecting task to be relevant as a cultural space representing his home country. A respectful contact with the cultural exceptions from both countries leads to the development of a symbiotic space.

Model © Courtesy of HOLODECK architects

Achievements of Austrian culture, research, technology and production are joining the specific Thai cultural way of life and construction traditions. Separate individual buildings are grouped themselves round common space, open to the exterior to provide a natural air cooling system.

Model © Courtesy of HOLODECK architects

The large inner court planted with trees and shadowy follows the traditional Austrian court typology and offers an inviting atmosphere for qualitative cultural events. Source of HOLODECK architects.

Model © Courtesy of HOLODECK architects
  • Location: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Architects: HOLODECK architects
  • Project Team: Marlies Breuss, Michael Ogertschnig, Johannes Müller, Suchon Mallikamarl, Peter Hundt, Chloe Priou
  • Engineering: gmeiner I haferl, Vienna
  • Client: BMeiA Federal Ministery for European and International Affairs
  • Type: 2 level EU-wide generalplaning tender competition, 1. Prize
  • Area: 2000 sqm
  • Year: 2013 – 2017
  • Photographs: Courtesy of HOLODECK architects
Detail Section

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