Cinnamon Tower by Bolles+Wilson

Cinnamon Tower
Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Christian Richters

The Cinnamon tower was conceived as freestanding campanile – a pin on a piazza was the concept behind the premiated competition design by Bolles+Wilson for the existing 19th century Harbour Masters Building.

Cinnamon Tower
© Mitja Schneehage

Slenderness is essential for a campanile. Over the course of its 8-year gestation this proportionality was respected – even while its function mutated from stacked restaurants to housing. The 13 x 16 m floor plan tapers towards the top. With a height of 56 meters the tower is 4-times higher than it is wide.

Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Cordelia Ewerth

How can such a thin chap be efficient?
The organisational answer is duplex apartments. Originally the concept foresaw seven apartments, each on 2 floors, a panoramic living deck on the upper level and bedrooms with punched windows below. Precise market analysis led to a variation of this formula: one triplex apartment at the top and some 1-floor apartments at lower levels.

Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Cordelia Ewerth

Built were ten apartments, four with 130 sqm, five with 185 sqm and one with 300 sqm. The tower has a gross floor area of 4.300 sqm and a volume of 16.000 cubic metres. At the ground level is a restaurant / commercial unit of 300 sqm. Strict high-rise regulations demanded an escape route from every floor via secure escape stair. The possibility to clean every window from the inside was also a criterion to be met.

Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Christian Richters

The spectacular view of the New Elbphilharmonie should not be blurred by smudgy windows. Room-high windows on three sides of the living deck also allow the tracking of incoming cruise ships. Facade panels of anodized aluminium sheets in different gradations of dark red correspond to the patchwork of BOLLES+WILSON’s neighbouring 2008 pavilion, the first realized component of the Harbour Masters ensemble.

Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Christian Richters

In sunlight these aluminium panels take on colourful nuances while on cloudy days they assume a darker, more serious Paul-Klee like nuance. This is a building that changes its character according to the incidence of light, a new figure on Hamburg’s skyline. Source by Bolles+Wilson.

Cinnamon Tower
Photo © Dorfmueller Klier
  • Location: Osakaallee 10n20457 Hamburg, Germany
  • Architects: Bolles+Wilson
  • Project supervision: Christoph Lammers
  • Construction management: 20097 Hamburg
  • Structural Engineering: Ingenieurbüro Abel • Gebhart GmbH & Co. KG
  • Service Engineers: WINTER BeratendeIngenieurefürGebäudetechnik
  • Building Physics: ITA IngenieurgesellschaftfürTechnischeAkustikmbH, BeratendeIngenieureVBI
  • Fire Protection:hhpberlin-IngenieurefürBrandschutzGmbH
  • Client: Groß & Partner
  • GFA: 4.250 m2
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Cordelia Ewerth, Christian Richters, Mitja Schneehage, Dorfmueller Klier, Courtesy of Bolles+Wilson
Cinnamon Tower
Site Plan
Cinnamon Tower
Level -1 Floor Plan
Cinnamon Tower
Level 00 Floor Plan
Cinnamon Tower
Level 1 -2 Floor Plan
Cinnamon Tower
Cinnamon Tower
Cinnamon Tower
Cinnamon Tower

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