Cycling Center Tiszafüred by Ferdinand and Ferdinand Architects

Cycling Center
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

Although the town of Tiszafüred is conseiderd to be the capital of the Tisza-Lake Region, and also the center the North Alföld eco-touristic subregion, it has relatively few sights / buildings that are worth mentioning from clearly actitectural prospective. One of them nearby is the Hotel Tisza Balneum (designer: Ferdinand Architects 2004-2008).

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

Perhaps that is why my first encounter with the cycling center struck me as a suprise. We arrived on the main road from the direction of Debrecen. For miles and miles there is nothing to see but the breathtaking planes of Hortobágy. When we reached Tiszafüred, and crossed the railroad – quite unexpectedly we caughts the sight of the new building.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

The psychological efferct is very different from other buildings which have a high tower – which the visitors can see from far – here it comes totally out of the blue, after one or two bends from the town centre – you have a stand-alone snow white building in front of you – with suprising contoures. The Bicycle Center designed by Ferdinand Architects may have been inspired by Dutch or Danish examples of urban bicycle facilities.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

The road becomes the building itselt in their stucture, too, as it spirals upwards, slowly ascending and finally connects into the building at the top – where the entrance zone to the Pavilion was located. This concept was further developed in Tiszafüred, the connection of the central corpus and the spirals are loosened, less calculated, less regular.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

The roads that take the cyclers up are coverd with green roofs at certain parts establish the functional connection between the levels of the building. The three floors have three distinctly different functions: The ground floor houses bicycle rentals and service function, wash rooms and showers are located on the seond floor, while the top floor gives room to a coffe shop and ian nformation desk. From here you can enjoy the beautiful vistas of Tisza Lake.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

And the regular one day cycling program looks like this: families or tourist groups arrive by car or by bust to the closed parking area, they change to the own or rented bikes, if they need any information, they contact the person at the information desk, than set out for the 50km (roughly 30 miles) bicycle road.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

When they get back at the end of the day, they can have a shower, change, have their vehicles repaired or maintained, have refreshments at the coffee shop, chill out, and continue their tour. The building may seem a little exeggerated or too modernly shaped for the first sight, since the style and the scale of the building may be considered more suitable for a more dense urban background – as in the examples cited aboe.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

On the other hand it must not be forgotten that objective of the designer could have been the creation of a symbolic venue, that provides a marketing advantage too, as its unusual form is easy to remember,, it clearly distinguishes Tiszafüred from other tourist destinations.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

This building does not merely serve the pure functional needs of bikers, it aims to the the symbol of the touristic development projects in the region, may be the symbol of the bicycle tourism in Hungary, in general.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs

In summary the dinamic,, dashing (buoyant) structure that reflects the pleasure of rolling, the pleasure of movement does not become a provocation, on the contrary it is a brilliant architectural gesture, which is capable of communicatig a grand-scale touristic development to the any or all layers of society. Source by Ferdinand and Ferdinand Architects.

Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
  • Location: Tiszafüred, Hungary
  • Architect: Ferdinand and Ferdinand Architects
  • Investor: Tisza Lake Development Ltd
  • Manufacturers/Products: SIKA Floor epoxy flooring, SCHÜCO Windows, BAUMIT system plastering
  • Size (in square meters): 800 m2
  • Year: 2016
  • Photographs: Andrea Balazs, Courtesy of Ferdinand and Ferdinand Architects
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Photo © Andrea Balazs
Cycling Center
Level 01 Floor Plan
Cycling Center
Level 02 Floor Plan
Cycling Center
Level 03 Floor Plan
Cycling Center

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