HENN + C.F. Møller Architects win competition to extend hospital complex

extend hospital complex
Image © HENN + C.F. Møller Architects

HENN + C.F. Møller Architects (Berlin / Aarhus) jointly win an international competition to extend Germany’s most iconic hospital complex, the listed 1970’s high-tech University Hospital RWTH Aachen.

Image © HENN + C.F. Møller Architects

The hospital complex of RWTH Aachen will be expanded with a new building, containing a central surgery area, including intensive care units and a new public entrance hall. State-of-the-art surgeries and ICUs make it the most important component of Aachen‘s healthcare provision.

Sketch © HENN + C.F. Møller Architects

Best principles of Healing Architecture
Large parts of the design are pushed under ground level, to minimize the visual impact on the existing listed building, and covered with a lush green parkland open to the public and staff.

Sketch © HENN + C.F. Møller Architects

The low-slung building volume rises towards the public entrance in a sweeping and generous gesture, which creates an inviting, bright and warm-toned entrance that enables a completely intuitive wayfinding for patients and relatives, guided by views to the green parkland.

Site Plan

Despite the sunken location, the new operations facilities and ICU are also designed to enjoy extensive daylighting and access to green spaces, exemplifying the best principles of healing architecture and creating a friendly and comfortable environment for patients and staff alike.


Open and efficient
A series of specially designed off-stage staff hubs in open spaces puncture the flexible and efficient layout of the operations floor, providing the best possible surroundings for teamwork and inter-staff relations.


“The award-winning designs are characterized by their functionality, transparency and futuristic design, and are harmoniously integrated into our existing core building“ said Peter Asché, Commercial Director, University Hospital RWTH Aachen. The size of the extension is 35.000 square meters. Source and images, Courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects.



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