Lanzarote Music Factory by reTHINKING Competitions

Lanzarote Music Factory
Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

The area of the intervention is located between the district of Argana Alta / Maneje, Arrecife. This zone to the north of the city is the limit between the urban center and the countryside. It is a land with great empty spaces, where the residential and the industrial use mix.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

The project of the Music Factory of Lanzarote was born as a public initiative that seeks to solve the lack of musical spaces and interpretation of the island bearing in mind the analysis extracted from the area. A priority objective is the connection with the city and the impulse of the urban renewal in Arrecife.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

A project that will act as an engine of future activities that seek intervention in urban voids and old buildings adapting them to new uses.Another of the premises that are pursued is the conservation of the hydraulic infrastructure of the island, not only understood as a building rehabilitation but as a renovation, that allows to revive to the buildings that have remained in the forgetfulness adapting them to the new needs.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

And finally an important factor to take into account, the recognition of Lanzarote as a Biosphere Reserve implies that any initiative is based on respect for the environment, protection of the environment and natural resources and sustainable development.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

Activity Program
Rehearsal rooms, minimum 4. Minimum surface 25 sqm. The distribution of spaces for various musical ensembles should be studied. All of them must work as a recording studio. Theater and dance rehearsal room. Minimum floor space 50 m² Stage. It will allow musical, dancing and theatrical representations,in an auditorium without seats. It will be attached to a dressing room module with dressing rooms and toilets for artists.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

Storage area. It will be divided into two space units: Internal storage unit of the operation of the building and locker units accessible to users. Office area for users’ entertainment. Linked to outer space. Toilets module that give service to both the interior or exterior representations. Intervention in outer space as an area of artistic use linked to the water tank. Take advantage of the exterior rooms that cross the entrance to the building.

Lanzarote Music Factory
Image © reTHINKING Competitions

1ST PRIZE:10 000 € + fee for building execution plan
2ND PRIZE:2 000 €
3RD PRIZE: 1 000 €
10 Honourable mentions with no economic prize.

MARCH 20, 2017 Early registration starts
MAY 4, 2017 Regular registration starts
MAY 26, 2017 Late registration starts
JUNE 14, 2017- 18:00H GMT+1:00 Submission deadline
Source and images, Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions.

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