Smart School by Cebra

Smart School
Smart School
Image © Cebra

The vision for the Smart School is to create a school that unites architecture and landscape into a unique, diverse and including learning environment and gathering point for the local community.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

The complex is organised as a permeable ring of buildings, which contain the main functions. Each building expands towards the centre in the form of directly related outdoor area and together these areas form a diverse arena for experiential learning and pedagogical synergies.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

The very active and social spaces of this central campus are contrasted by a calmer and contemplative landscape of natural and agricultural areas outside of the ring, which allow the school to be partially self-sufficient and are included in teaching activities.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

The buildings are connected by a large roof surface with distinctive eaves, which gives the complex a recognisable identity and creates a series of roofed outdoor areas.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

These zones dissolve the boundary between the indoor and outdoor spaces by creating a diverse transitional zone for learning and physical activities, play, social interaction and relaxation.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

The school is designed for 1.040 students, aged from 3 to 18 years, a staff of over 400, and public users. The complex consists of a pre-school, junior and high school as well as public cultural, leisure and health centres. The school focus on diversity and inclusion.

Smart School
Image © Cebra

A minimum of 15% of the student body is reserved for orphans and children with limited physical capabilities. Therefore, a part of the site will contain a special settlement, where the orphaned children live with their foster families. Source by Cebra.

Smart School
Image © Cebra
  • Location: Irkutsk, Russia
  • Architect: Cebra
  • Partners: Unk Project
  • Landscape Architect: Vega Landskab
  • Engineer: Niras
  • Client: Smart School Project
  • Size: 31.000 m2 New Building and 20 Ha Master Plan
  • Year: 2015-
  • Images: Courtesy of Cebra

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