W.A.L.K. by TA.R.I Architects

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

W.A.L.K., that means Work and Live Knowingly, that well represents a new vision of urban blocks housing a functional mix with housing, offices, commercial and public spaces. The final result of a careful analysis of the site, the urbanity and the needs of the place, led to a project designed in a full integration with the surrounding context.

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

An urban landmark, therefore, linked to the history and traditions, but projected to the future of Aviapolis. The main goal of the project is to create a public place that can embody a new and sustainable way of living, also through the direct involvement of the citizens and visitors. The parking area is located at the ground floor, with the upper floor public slab covering the vehicular street.

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

The infrastructures and the public spaces are visually and spatially divided, but at the same time, they remains reachable from the main access to W.A.L.K. The ground floor of the residential buildings will be partially dedicated to the commercial area, in particular located along the main urban boulevard, to ensure overwhelming activities and functions.

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

The first floor public slab will be equipped and dedicated to common activities, easly accessible both from the inside and the public park. In the future sustainable evolution of the city, the parking area will be re-converted into a commercial plaza, interspaced by wide public squares, pedestrian paths, green gardens and water fountains.

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

This will create two main levels of public activities, completely accessible and permeable: the first one is set at the ground floor, and will be the in between space linking the commercial urban boulevard and the public W.A.L.K. park. The second one, already set at the first level floor, will act as the natural extension of the inner residential spaces.

Image © TA.R.I-Architects

W.A.L.K., Work and Live Knowingly, is not a regular neighborhood, but an innovative pedestrian system, where is possible to meet and socialize in the huge public park. The vehicular roads and parking are hidden inside the building, in order to ensure a no visual impact of the infrastructures with the public areas.


Thanks to the designed pedestrian bridges and walkways, it is possible to socialize in the W.A.L.K. park, lay down in the enchanting gardens, and enjoy temporary representations and exhibitions in the common squares. The first floor slab is dedicated to the main public activities, housing a sportive area, commercial units and a playground for both children and adults.


W.A.L.K. Also houses ATOMI schools and library, and a linear office building that becomes an interactive landmark for the urban squares. Is it a new vision of a neighborood! Source by TA.R.I Architects.

  • Location: Vantaa, Helsinki, Finland
  • Architect: TA.R.I Architects
  • Project Team: Marco Tanzilli, Claudia Ricciardi, Mattia Bencistà, Valentina Sciacca
  • Client: City of Vantaa
  • Total area: 160.000 sqm
  • Parking spots: 850
  • Year: 2017
  • Images: courtesy of TA.R.I Architects

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