Colégio dos Plátanos by Murmuro

Colégio dos Plátanos
Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

Colégio dos Plátanos is a school in Sintra which educates children from the age of 3 to 14; the project consists of the expansion and reorganization of the school.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

Having acquired a set of low quality buildings east of the existing school, the client intended to demolish them and expand the school complex eastwards, adding a series of new classrooms, complementary spaces and sport facilities.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

During the design phase the client changed course and decided to maintain the east buildings and commissioned a new construction of smaller scale, connecting the east and west buildings, the construction had to occur in two phases, allowing for a reduced investment as our country was facing an economic crisis.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

This decision also required the development of an intermediate structural solution and controlled demolitions in order not to interrupt the daily school operation; only with the conclusion of the second phase would the entire complex be fully articulated.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

The new building is simultaneously a connection and articulation point; connects the east and west buildings and articulates the levels of the south outdoor courtyard, the sports area to the north and the covered outdoor area to the east.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

The client set the use of natural ventilation as a requisite, as well as the protection of the northern openings, given the proximity to the sports area.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

We chose to create a permeable brick facade that allows air to flow for the natural ventilation of the building, illuminates the northern rooms, protects the windows and hides the necessary ventilation grids.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

To the south exterior shading slabs and interior screens were used in order to control the light intensity in the classrooms. The concern with materiality is also foreseen inside the building; the preschool classrooms are covered in cheerful, bright colored panels.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco

The walls are also coated with a material that simultaneously allows acoustic conditioning and the display of the children’s works, in an attempt to enhance the appropriation of the space. The outside spaces will be designed later on. Source by Murmuro.

Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco
  • Location: Sintra, Portugal
  • Architect: Murmuro
  • Project Team: João Caldas, Rita Breda, Tiago Araújo, Pedro Rodrigues, Francisco Calheiros
  • Design: Inês Oliveira
  • Engineering: TDP Engenharia
  • Client: Colégio dos Plátanos
  • Size: 1.850 mq
  • Completion: 2017
  • Photographs: Pedro Pacheco, Courtesy of Murmuro
Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco
Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco
Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco
Colégio dos Plátanos
Photo © Pedro Pacheco
Colégio dos Plátanos
Level 01 Floor Plan
Colégio dos Plátanos
Level 02 Floor Plan
Colégio dos Plátanos
Level 03 Floor Plan
Colégio dos Plátanos
Colégio dos Plátanos

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