Black Soul by JST Micro-design Laboratory

Black Soul

Speaking of black, white, gray, there are always associated with “sexlessness”. Actually, it is a walking aphrodisiac. The condensation of black, pureness of white, coordination of gray, a deeper desire is hidden in the interaction of the three, making space like a cold and hot poem.

Photo © LiDi

A modern space in strong sense of design reveals the cold wall in darkness; the bark without any treatment maintains a natural texture, showing the original beauty. All materials have their own emotions and memories. It is very important for designers to make skillful application of each kind of emotional memory in space.

Photo © LiDi

A touch of casual yellow reveals conciseness and warmth; the sun casts on the Togo chair, lazy and full of fun; the irregular blocks of natural wood flooring adds a lot of fun to the space. Breeze blows white shutters, like the caress of the girl, revealing a trace of ambiguous tone, the huge glass windows perfectly presents the green world. The weak fragrance of the oil brings the gentle molecule.

Photo © LiDi

Stairs abandons the traditional processing techniques. The handrails uses the concise gray-blue tone, calm and restrained, forming a rigorous style with the owner. The large pieces of stone penetrate three layers to well guarantee the space continuity. Looking down from a height, the whole space is like a thick arm, and also a harbor, where the soul get rest.

Photo © LiDi

The steel cut off carries the function of natural partition of the dining room and living room; the irregular steel slanting arrangement both adds a tone of fun to the space and introduce the restaurant’s natural light to the stairs. Gold is the most popular home color this year, which adds a trace of luxury and romanticism to the stereotyped sexless style.

Photo © LiDi

The rose gold in a dazzling bright tone is like the sunset in the desert, in the sense of sophistication, while without losing the fashionable integration. The table below uses a snow-white Carrara white; it has jade moist, elegant atmosphere, as if in the quiet space and time. Classic, mysterious, domineering creates the myth of senior immortal black.

Photo © LiDi

The shelves are in uniformly back, mature and stable without losing the stunning charm, similar to the hot heart inside the appearance without temperature. The thin edge is like vertical and horizontal lines. Only a glance can make you fall into love with it. The designer intends to replace the wall with the combination of glass and steel.

Photo © LiDi

The outdoor light wishfully flows in the corridors and staircases, in the tone of “borrowing the light by digging the wall.” The toilet is connected with the cloakroom to ease the sense of the cramped space. At the same time, it plans the separation of wet and dry, so as to save the worries of the master.

Photo © LiDi

Blue represents pureness and thirst for knowledge, like the endless sea, universe waiting for unlock and the autumn sky, etc. It is a beautiful vision. The children’s room is in blue-based tone, mixed with a little beige, impressing people with the soft touch to ease the boring space. The adding of agate blue, embellishment increases a touch of dynamic sense.

Photo © LiDi

Andersen said that it is not enough for being alive, but also need sunshine, freedom and a little fragrance of flowers. In every leisurely weekend, comfortably lie in the bed of ligne Roset, watch the warm sunshine casting into the window, and start a beautiful day. Gray-toned curtains and plain chiffon are the finest colors in an elegant atmosphere, creating a clean, warm atmosphere in space, creating a poetic presence in deep and shallow collisions. Source by JST Micro-design Laboratory.

Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Photo © LiDi
Level 01 Floor Plan
Level 02 Floor Plan
Level 03 Floor Plan

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