PACKit competition


With passing time, technology is enabling items reach our home quick. Most things we desire or require are a few taps away. Be it food to footwear, or tickets to taxis; everything.

Image © F:unkt

Online marketplaces / storefronts / eateries and many other forms of commerce are constantly pushing the bar in the ‘fulfillment’ domain and working tirelessly to make this experience as
seamless as possible.

Image © F:unkt

This definitely has created a wave by inspiring smaller entities/individuals/suppliers to adapt to the digital space and to become a part of this accepted reality at large. This implies our products/food/articles have to travel more than us. Which creates an urge for something we witness every day – ‘packaging’.

Image © F:unkt

These orders may seem insignificant when we observe ourselves. However our neighborhoods and cities are ordering millions of packages like these every day, with astonishingly growing numbers. And these online cravings have consequences too.

Image © F:unkt

Ever wondered so much of bubble wraps, packets, boxes, duct tapes, stickers, printed bills, airbags, plastic utensils, spoons,etc. where do they eventually go? We understand, that traditional packaging materials have taken shape by the course of time/ practicality/ constraints/availability – But here lies the design challenge:


1. Can packaging be more lean/smart?
2. Can a packaging be reusable or have different use applications?
3. Can discarded/used packaging find it’s way back into the system/eco-system seamlessly?
4. Can packaging be more convertible / tailormade / adaptive to product it wraps on?
5. Can we enhance the current ‘packaging efficiency’?
6. Can it inherently have some value, that people are willing to recycle it?
7. Can this design be widely adopted/compatible to various other existing brands / scenarios /
delivery / fulfilment models as well?

Submission requirements
1. A maximum 6 – A3 presentation boards in digital format (JPEG or PDF) (120ppi)
2. Cover image of size 1500 x 600 px or larger in aspect ratio 1 : 2.5.

Early bird registration(15$): 20th June 2018
Standard registration ends(25$): 05th August 2018
Late registration ends(40$): 20th September 2018
Submission deadline: 30th September 2018

Winner 1500$ + Trophy + Certificate
Runnerup 550$ Students
Runnerup 550$ Professionals
People’s choice winner 500$
10 x Honorable mentions + Trophy
30 Shortlisted entries will get e certificates.

Source and images Courtesy of F:unkt.

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