Hongqi Zhen Sugar Factory Town Master Plan by Woods Bagot

Hongqi Zhen Sugar

A disused sugar factory in Zhuhai’s Jinwan District is set to be revitalized into an integrated cultural, tourism and leisure park. Woods Bagot’s master plan both celebrates the proud heritage of Zhuhai’s once prosperous sugar industry, while creating a future for the Hongqi Zhen Sugar Factory site.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
Creating a world class tourism hub – Image © Woods Bagot

The former factory began production in 1960 and was once a key pillar of Southern China’s sugar plantation and processing industry. As the local economy evolved over the following decades, the industry declined, leading the Hongqi Zhen Sugar Factory to close its doors in 2003.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
The Sugar Museum – Image © Woods Bagot

Due to complete in three phases over the next 10 years, the 78,877-square metre development will feature a boutique hotel, a chocolate factory, a wedding venue and start-up offices, a sugar industry museum as well as a diverse F&B and retail offering. Different thematic zones will provide contrasting sensory experiences for visitors, from the energetic retail street and creative workshop spaces to the tranquil wedding lake and wetland boardwalk.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
A vibrant new waterfront lifestyle – Image © Woods Bagot

Murals, façade installations and sculptures will engage, educate and commemorate the past along the way.  A central park will form the core of the site, with other landscape features including a floral garden walk, a sculpture garden, a farming experience as well as scenic waterscapes and wetlands adapted from existing ponds and former industrial waterbodies.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
Existing site – Photo Courtesy of Woods Bagot

Woods Bagot’s strategy will retain and repurpose as many existing structures as possible, and then introduce new buildings and landscapes that complement their industrial aesthetic. As part of this process, over 40 existing structures were carefully assessed for their heritage value, scale and spatial quality.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
Existing site – Photo Courtesy of Woods Bagot

The former-factory’s red brick chimney towers will provide a visual landmark at the highest point of the site, with newer buildings rising only 2-3 storeys to create a harmonious synergy and differentiate them from the taller historic buildings. Harmony with the local environment will be encouraged through a sustainability strategy which will include solar roofs, rainwater harvesting, geothermal heating and cooling and the promotion of low carbon transport options, including bikes and scenic water taxis. Source by Woods Bagot.

Hongqi Zhen Sugar
Master Plan
  • Location: Zhuhai, China
  • Architect: Woods Bagot
  • Site Area: 78,877 m2
  • Status: In progress
  • Year: 2018
  • Images:  Courtesy of Woods Bagot

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