The first images of the Renzo Piano’s bridge for Genoa

Renzo Piano bridge for Genoa

“To say that it is a project idea is excessive. It is only the beginning »said Renzo Piano, presenting a model for the new bridge to the president of the Region Giovanni Toti and the mayor Marco Bucci, imagined for his Genoa where he was born on September 14, 1937, probably the most famous son of the city after Christopher Columbus.

Renzo Piano and Giovanni Toti, president of the Region Liguria

The non-design idea is a very simple and rigorous ribbon with a series of pillars whose shape recalls the bow of the ships. No stays and spans except for those that pass on the railway and on the Polcevera Torrent. Without imposing structures that dominate the valley, as for the Morandi bridge, with an “empty space” and therefore a park underneath it, but in the park and all around there should be business incubators, residences, start-ups “.


According to Renzo Piano, for Genoa “we need a project of rebirth, of redemption for the whole affected area. There is not just a bridge to rebuild, but a piece of city in transformation to be redesigned “. No longer a bridge to be crossed in the dark but studded with tall stalks that at night will illuminate it from the top of which will radiate lights downwards in the shape of sails.


The lighting poles will be 43, as many as the victims of the collapse of the old Morandi, which would make the new work a memorial to remember the victims of the disaster of August 14, visible throughout the valley. These are the design themes launched by Renzo Piano in the meeting of a few days ago with the governor of Liguria and commissioner delegated to the emergency Giovanni Toti, and the mayor Marco Bucci, in the headquarters of the Liguria Region.


The architect claims that “this is the classic case in which a competition open to all is needed: architects, landscape architects, engineers. That of the bridge is a theme that touches all and all the strings: from the technological to the poetic. I did some sketch, but it’s just the beginning “. The architect Piano concluded, “I hope to be useful. I do not believe in the record time for reconstruction, I believe in the right time, we must do it quickly but not in a hurry “

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