Tokyo Parking Tower competition

Tokyo Parking Tower
Tokyo Parking Tower
Images Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions

Tokyo is the most industrialized zone of Japan while being the center of politics, economy and popular culture. Its surface includes lakes, rivers and national parks, as well as very important structures built by man, such as the Tokyo Tower. The site where the future parking tower will be located is located in the Minato area very close to Tokyo tower, the Tokyo telecom tower. The solar is a large green apple with an interior vacuum that is currently used as a crossroads.

Tokyo Parking Tower
Images Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions
  • The project must contemplate the following program.
    1- The design of the surroundings of the tower, including green areas, shadow areas, walks …
    2- The tower: it must be designed in the urban void with a total of 2260 m2 of surface, a tower whose main use is parking. The height, the number of floors, the total capacity of the tower will be determined by the participant himself.
Tokyo Parking Tower
Images Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions
Tokyo Parking Tower
Images Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions
  • The participants must design it according to the following concepts:
    – Use of space to maximize capacity
    – Integration with the environment of the building (treatment of the facade)
    – Self-sufficient Building
    – It will be positively valued that the building contributes energetically to the city.
    – It is allowed that the building is expandable or transformable in time.

PRIZES- 3000 Euros
– First prize € 1,500
– Second prize € 1,000
– Third prize 500 €
– 10 Honorable Mentions: no money

Source and images Courtesy of reTHINKING Competitions

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