Zaha Hadid Gallery: London Design Festival

Zaha Hadid Design
Zaha Hadid Design
Striation from the RE/Form carpet collection by Zaha Hadid Design

The Zaha Hadid Gallery will showcase new collaborations including the RE/Form carpet collection by Zaha Hadid Design for Royal Thai during London Design Festival 2018. The collection consists of 22 designs, inspired by four themes that feature prominently in Zaha Hadid’s work: striated lines, ribbonlike projections, pixelated landscapes and organic cellular shapes. Patterns within each grouping capture Hadid’s signature use of interweaving, layering and play with light and shadow.

Zaha Hadid Design
Striation from the RE/Form carpet collection by Zaha Hadid Design

The designs introduce custom new colours for Royal Thai commercial carpets, with hues of turquoise, red and green in their colour palettes.Translated into Axminster-loomed and hand-tufted designs, each design represents reconfiguration and transformation—the theme itself a reflection of Royal Thai’s recent reformation. RE/Form is a celebration of Hadid’s legacy and Royal Thai’s passion for inspiration.

Zaha Hadid Design
Striation from the RE/Form carpet collection by Zaha Hadid Design

The Zaha Hadid Gallery will also present the new 2018 Zaha Hadid Design Collection, together with Zaha Hadid Architects’ recent collaboration of 3D-printed furniture with Nagami as well as an exhibition by the studio’s Computation and Design research group (ZHCODE). Source by Zaha Hadid Design.

Zaha Hadid Design
oyal Thai during London Design Festival
  • Location: Zaha Hadid Gallery, 101 Goswell Road London, EC1V 7EZ, UK
  • Design: Zaha Hadid Design
  • Date: 18-22 September 2018

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