Architecture of the Apocalypse competition

Architecture of the Apocalypse

EARTH is a doomed planet and if humans do not act fast, humanity faces going down with the ship, Professor Stephen Hawking warned in his last book. Hawking predicted that the earth would turn into a giant ball of fire by 2600 and humans would need to colonize another planet or face extinction.

However, many possible scenarios of anthropogenic extinction have been proposed; such as human global nuclear annihilation, biological warfare or the release of a pandemic-causing agent, overpopulation, ecological collapse, and climate change. Whilst there is a notorious race that burst to colonize space and the celestial bodies in it. It is almost the same technology developed for that purpose that could save us here on earth after the apocalyptic event to survive through any dystopian future.

Life exists on Earth only because it balances unsteadily in a delicate and fragile way but precise. Our atmosphere, proximity to the sun, and countless other proper conditions not only permit living things to survive and evolve but also thrive. The life on this planet likely won’t cease until billions of years from now. But, depending on the scientists and astrophysics, it could also happen tomorrow or anytime in between.

At that time could space technology we develop to colonize other planets be useful to re-colonize earth again? It is dystopian but realistic that someday we will have to deal with our mother Earth as an extra-terrestrial planet. An extreme environment is a habitat that is considered very hard to survive in for life forms due to its considerably extreme conditions such as:

• Scarcity of Oxygen in the atmosphere with high levels of toxicity in the air
• High levels of radiations (Alpha, Beta & Gamma rays) due to possible nuclear catastrophic event.
• Lack of Flora and Fauna.
• Extreme temperature fluctuations between day and night
• The rise of Sea levels due to melting of ice on both North and south poles.
• Contamination of Earth water bodies with continuous acidic rain showers
• Lack of sunlight due to heavy cloud cover

It is your mission if you choose to accept it, to design a self-sufficient, closed loop life support system that can support regenerative life for the minimum viable population (MVP). The MVP for this competition is 160 human beings on any location on earth after the extinction level event where any location on earth will be as extremely harsh environment as any extraterrestrial planet. Source and images Courtesy of competitions.uni.

Launch December 20, 2019
Registration closes: May 2nd 2020
Submission Deadline: May 13th 2020
Public Voting begins: May 23rd 2020
Public Voting ends: June 13th 2020
Result Announcement: June 23rd 2020

Prize pool of worth 20,000$
First Prize: 5000$ (For students and professionals)
Runner Up: 6 x 1100$ (For students and professionals)
People’s Choice: 4 x 600$ (Open for all)
Honorable Mention: 12 x 500$ Each

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