C.F. Møller wins assignment on the landscape architectural to Stigsborg Waterfront Stage 1 by Byudviklingsselskabet Stigsborg P/S.

Stigsborg Waterfront

Stigsborg Waterfront is one of Denmark’s biggest coastal development projects and a brand new district in Aalborg which includes Aalborg’s largest urban park, Stigsparken. The area is 54 hectares in total and is bordered from the Limfjord Bridge in the west, Nørresundby in the north, the Limfjord Tunnel in the east and the Limfjord in the south.

Stage 1 consists of an area that is around 33 hectares, and contains approximately 2,000 new homes, corresponding to 3,900 residents. It includes the sustainable community EcoVillage, which C.F. Møller Architects is also delivering.

he assignment for C.F. Møller Architects consists of designing the space around the houses into an attractive, vibrant and green urban space.The development of the Stigsborg Waterfront is expected to take 25-30 years to complete and result in 4,000 dwellings with a total floor area of 400,000 square metres for 7,500 inhabitants.

The homes will primarily be rental and owner-occupied homes over 4-6 floors. Public institutions such as schools, nursing homes and day-care institutions, as well as small businesses (offices, cafes, shops, etc.), will also have a place in the area. Source and images Courtesy of C.F. Møller.

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