Henge Hill House by Bartosz Domiczek

Henge Hill

Henge Hill is a virtual architecture project, designed by Bartosz Domiczek, which is located in San Mateo county in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The house is designed upon the footprints of an old farm storage building which used to tower over the picturesque olive slopes.

The crude craftsmanship of the remaining shell is partially restored and displayed in order to anchor the newly arranged suites of rooms deep in genius loci.

The wall of old arcades cut and frame the views in the same way it used to do in the past.

The new enfilade is structurally separated, bent around the small central courtyard and extended further underneath the excavated slope to provide the supporting utility areas.

The natural terrain basin is used for the location of the pool. It is receded and elevated above the main roof level so as the created space is very intimate and offers a panoramic view at the same time. Source and images Courtesy of Bartosz Domiczek.

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