Ramón Esteve win competition for design Ies L’Estació


The project for the reconstruction of L’Estació High School is based on the idea of creating an agora-like space for the relation between students. One of the main objectives of this new design is to favor this parallel aspect to education, related to human formation and personal relationships, with the configuration of the building.

Relationship with the Urban Context
The plot is divided into two levels with an elevation difference of 2.50m between them. There is a main access to the school from Camí de l’Estació at the highest level; a wide area where you can arrive on foot, by bus or private vehicles as well as by bicycle, skate, and motorcycle. The proposal avoids crossings between pedestrian and road traffic, which facilitates the mobility and safety of the users. Unifying the users’ access is also a way of facilitating a centralized control.

The lower level, where the assembly hall is located, has vehicular access to the car park, which is intended for the exclusively use of the center’s staff. A second vehicle arrival and drop-off area is proposed next to the reserve area, where a temporary car park can be set up. The volume of the building has a positive impact on the environmental quality of the surroundings, as well as on the way in which the interior areas are perceived. On the one hand, an agora separates the different areas while connecting the entire plot.

It is traversed by a series of pergolas that articulate the entire complex, generating shady spaces while allowing a sheltered circulation between the buildings. The building housing the library, cafeteria, and students’ and parents’ areas has an independent identity, form of use and dynamism from the classroom areas. On the other hand, the long building for Secondary and Upper Secondary classrooms is divided to break the perspective, create a singular in-between relief space, and open transversal connections throughout the complex.

Organization of Spaces
The teaching spaces of continuous use take advantage of the most favorable façade orientation, while the support areas or staircases are located on the opposite side. The layout of the complex delimits the different areas used by students and facilitates an orderly and controlled circulation between them. The gym and the general services area, being independent and separate buildings, can be used at different times than the school day. In addition, we preserve and restore the current auditorium building.

Vegetation Strategy
The vegetation will have a marked local character, with references to the near Serra de Mariola and Pou Clar mountains. We have planted tree species such as honeyberry trees (Celtis australis), holm oaks, planetrees, poplars and pines, as well as low creeping or groundcovering vegetation, typical of the mixed Mediterranean forest. Source by Ramón Esteve.

  • Location: Ontinyent, Spain
  • Architect: Ramón Esteve
  • Project Team: Anna Boscà, Estefanía Pérez, Cristina Calpe, Lorenzo Alvear, Teresa Lluna
  • 3D Rendering: Tudi Soriano, Pau Raigal
  • Building Engineer: Emilio Pérez, Carolina Tarazona
  • Promoter: Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport. Programa, Edificant, Ajuntament d’Ontinyent
  • Area: 9.538,93 m2
  • Year: 2020
  • Images: Courtesy of Ramón Esteve

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