Yibin Sanjiangkou Business Center by aoe

Sanjiangkou Business Center

Jingyang is where China’s famous folklore “Liu Yi Biography” took place, many scholars, writers and poets were born here. It is a strategically important place in the state-level new area “Xixian District”. All of the Jinghe New City in Xixian District, Qin Han New City and Konggang New City are within the county, belonging to the “Xi’an half-hour traffic circle”, the geographical position is superior.

The project is located in an urban city and there are many homogeneous projects in the surrounding area, the competitive advantage is very limited in the fierce competition. To solve this problem, aoe decides to focus on the project positioning and strengthen the thematic and innovation of the spatial form. Since it is located at the intersection of the three rivers, the ecological natural elements and the Yangtze River cultural elements should be positioned.

Thus, it is important to create an experiential shopping mall with ecological themes and scenes, emphasizing the integration of the ecological environment space atmosphere with retail, catering, family parenting, living facilities and other different commercial formats. aoe also analyzes other commercial land projects in the Sanjiangkou CBD of Yibin City in terms of architectural language and landscape creation, to achieve a certain degree of differentiation on the spatial form, scene creation, and cultural expression, and ensure they complement each other.

Its design maximizes the value of the land, exhaust the premium points, considered the combination between economic value and the regional characteristics of Yibin City, and fully utilize local policy requirements (such as sunshine spacing, building retreat lines, ground parking ratio, etc.) to meet local market needs and improve project quality. After analyzed the surrounding area, supporting facilities, such as transportation, schools, parks, and commerce were all included in the planning. Source by aoe.

  • Location: Yibin, China
  • Architect: aoe
  • Lot area: 146048 m2
  • Year: 2020
  • Images: Courtesy of aoe

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