Soho Fuxing Lu, Shanghai by gmp architekten

Soho Fuxing Lu
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

The former French Concession in the heart of Shanghai is known for its typical rectilinear development – the Li Long. Li stands for neighborhood, and Long refers to the narrow rectilinear streets separating the buildings.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

This urban morphology, which is typical of Shanghai, creates narrow and intimate urban spaces. The design for SOHO Fuxing Lu, an urban quarter with restaurants, shops and offices primarily intended for young start-up companies.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

The project adopts the scale and orientation of the neighboring blocks, integrates existing historic buildings and, in this way, adds to the important urban seam in the inner city using the existing urban development structure.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

The ensemble consists of nine oblong building blocks with sloping roofs and an east-west orientation, and a high-rise building which provides a more general reference to the urban landscape.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

Within the confines of this precinct, a network of pathways and small alleys converges at a central square with restaurants. A circular access provides entry to commercial facilities in the basement and to the underground railway.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

The façades and roofs have been clad with light natural stone strips of different widths. The dark grey metal elements of the glass façades provide a contrast to these strips.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

The abstract pattern image of the façades and the omission of any historic references underscore the urban focus of the project in the center of the city.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

On completion, the project obtained the LEED Gold certificate. Source by gmp architekten.

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

Location: Shanghai, China
Architects: gmp architekten
Principal: Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan Rewolle
Project management competition: Su Jun
Team members  competition: Stefan Hornscheidt, Li Zheng, Zhou Bin, Zhang Jing
Project management: detailed design Matthias Wiegelmann, Kong Jing
Project Team: Cai Yu, Guo Fuhui, Kornelia Krzykowska, Li Ling, Sebastian Linack, Xie Fang, Thilo Zehme, Zhang Yingying, Zheng Shanshan, Zhou Bin, Catharina Cragg, Dai Tianxing, Gao Rui, Hua Rong, Wu Hua, Yuan Hang, Zhang Xuhui
Chinese partner practice: ECADI (East China Architectural Design & Research Institute CO. LTD)
Lighting design: CONCEPTLICHT GMBH
Client: SOHO China
GFA: total above ground 71,565 m2
GFA: total below ground 64,975 m2
Retail area: 85,661 m2
Office area: 50,879 m2
Height of high-rise building: 99.85 m
Photographs: Christian Gahl, Courtesy of gmp

Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl
Soho Fuxing Lu
Photo © Christian Gahl

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